Homeowner shames kids for TPing his house — badly. ‘Let me show you how to do it’

When Bryan Hines walked outside to see that someone had toilet papered his house in Louisiana as a prank, he wasn’t mad. He was disappointed.

Disappointed that they didn’t do a better job, he complained on Facebook.

“It’s sad that kids today don’t know how to TP a house properly. Half the TP roll is still laying on the ground. We knew how to do it back in the day,” he said on Facebook, sharing photos of the poorly executed prank.

Hines’ chastising was all in good fun and thousands of viewers on Facebook got a kick out of the sorry prank. According to Hines, some kids drove by his home to pull the prank during homecoming week.

He encouraged youth to try harder next time, according to his Facebook post.

“You gotta really get into it and cover that tree,” he advised. “Don’t do a ‘drive-by’ TP. Get outta your car and throw that roll with everything you got. Reach for the stars. Be proud of your work and give them something that they’ll talk about for generations to come.”

Instead of committing such a desultory prank, Hines said the kids should have just knocked on the door and asked him how to do it.

Other people recalled their rebellious days as kids in the comments and joined in on the fun.

“I hope you have security cams so you can identify the perpetrators of this gross miscarriage of TP justice, seek them out, and help reform them properly for future generations sake,” one person joked. “They need to be led back to the scene of this unsavory crime and made to perform a true community service.”

“I appreciate your ‘glass half full’ attitude,” another person said. “People are so ugly these days and this was very sweet and humorous. Thank you for making me laugh.”

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