Honesdale Main Street honored by PA Department of Community and Economic Development

Scarfolloto's Towne House Diner bustled with press, presenters and community partners Tuesday morning as the Maple City received state recognition as a Keystone Communities Main Street. Granted by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), such a designation opens the borough up for increased state support regarding business and quality of life improvements.

"Being designated a Community Main Street is instrumental to Honesdale's success," said Sandi Levens, Executive Director of the Greater Honesdale Partnership (GHP). Comprised of members representing local businesses, the GHP functions as an economic developer and business support in Honesdale. "The revitalization takes time, money and community involvement. The designation will not only offer priority in grant funding, but designated Main Streets are held to a higher standard. And the Greater Honesdale Partnership is up for this challenge."

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The partnership is in the process of formulating a Honesdale downtown revitalization project. GHP received $175,000 of Local Share Account funding to develop an engineering plan for a streetscape project as part of the effort. "This plan will include elements such as sidewalk improvements, crosswalks, stormwater drainage solutions, streetlighting and pedestrian safety," said Levens. Other pending projects include a sidewalk installation, bike lane and beautification project on 12th Street between Church and Main Streets.

"As part of the designation, the Greater Honesdale Partnership will get priority consideration in our Keystone funding," explained Paul Macknosky, DCED Northeast Regional Director. The Maple City will also be eligible to receive tax credits through the Neighborhood Assistance Program for any private sector development which takes place on Main Street.Honesdale now also has access to support from the Pennsylvania Downtown Center (PDC) for technical support and help with programming through 2027.

"We'll provide training and education to build on the existing initiatives to support the planned public space and the commercial building improvements, façade restorations, business retention and recruitment efforts and downtown events," said PDC CEO Julie Fitzpatrick. "We'll work together to help make Honesdale an inviting and welcoming place where people choose to open a business and want to call home."

For Honesdale Mayor Derek Williams, the Main Street designation offers a chance to continue a legacy of growth over time.

Looking back historically, Williams noted what is now Main Street was once Lenape trails, before the sidewalks became dirt lanes, bluestone, asphalt and finally concrete. "Everything we've built together here was created in incremental steps," he said. "These layers of change remain present, like soil for us to grow strong ideas out of. Ideas like everyone, regardless of age or ability, be able to safely walk or wheel around Honesdale as they live work and play."

DCED Deputy Secretary Rick Viello presented the designation on behalf of the Wolf administration.

Noting the groundwork for community change begins with people's investment and participation, Vilello said, during the pandemic "…we shut down and people learned that they could work from anywhere in the world…and places that we call home became more important. Places where we could walk to recreation became more important. Places that we could walk to church and walk to the grocery store and making investments in our downtown became more important."

Vilello later added, "I'm proud of the investments we're making in places like Honesdale… Places like Honesdale matter. Places where people want to live matter. Community matters."

This article originally appeared on Tri-County Independent: Honesdale Main Street recognized by state as Keystone Community