Hoopeston school board approves renovation contracts

Mar. 26—The Hoopeston Area School Board met last week and approved the request for the proposal to sell the Honeywell property after Superintendent Robert Richardson explained the proposal.

Richardson said the lawyer will draw up the bid specification which will be advertised.

In other business, the Hoopeston Fire Department will conduct the prom crash scene at the school the day before prom on April 22.

High school graduation will be May 14th and will be outside again this year.

The Golden Ruler Awards winners for 2022 are Jodie Havens, Robin Eighner, Mary Schoonover, Karlie Johnson and Denise Bray. They will receive their awards at the banquet at the Bismarck-Henning/Rossville-Alvin meeting in April.

The board approved the following HAMS student council overnight stay in Springfield to attend the 63rd Annual State Convention for Illinois Association of Junior High Student Council. The trip is scheduled for April 22 and April 23.

The board also approved the quote from Accu-Tech Security for five new airphones and video master stations for $10,483, the pay request from Kinsale Contracting Group, Inc. for the asbestos removal in the John Greer tunnels for $18,900 paid with ESSER II Fund and the pay request from Kinsale Contracting Group, Inc. for the phase one asbestos removal at Hoopeston Area Middle School for $55,800, paid for with the ESSER III funds.

Approved the contract with Upchurch group to design restroom renovations at Maple and John Greer paid for with ESSER III funds, the furniture bid as presented to be paid for with ESSER III funds, and the bid for construction of cafeteria addition and air handler project as presented paid for with ESSER III fund.

Other items approved were Susan Root for 2022-2023 school year as building principal of Maple Elementary School, Dan Walder as building principal of John Greer Elementary School, Michelle White as curriculum director for Hoopeston Area CUSD #11, Michael Blacketer as the principal of Hoopeston Area Middle School, Katie Coulter as assistant building principal of Hoopeston Area Middle School, John Klaber as the building principal of Hoopeston Area High School, and Kim Hutxel as the assistant building principal of the Hoopeston Area High School.