Hope for Hudson: 2-year-old girl inspires community through brave health battle

Hudson Ireland has fought through so much in her life. Despite not being two years old yet, she has endured five surgeries and is currently living without her kidneys.
Hudson Ireland has fought through so much in her life. Despite not being two years old yet, she has endured five surgeries and is currently living without her kidneys.

HOLLAND — It has been almost two years since Kendra Ireland gave birth to her daughter, Hudson.

For Kendra and her husband Cody, who live in the Holland area, it was a blessing unlike anything they could have imagined. But despite the many blessings their little family has received since Hudson’s birth, their journey has truly been a matter of going through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

It all started in October 2021 after getting blood work back from their pediatric office. Leading up to the visit and since Hudson’s birth, she dealt with a parade of issues ranging from respiratory infections, ear infections, eye swelling, congenital hypothyroidism and various viruses.

Ultimately, Hudson was admitted to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids after a test revealed a massive amount of protein loss in her urine and low levels of Albumin, a blood protein.

While Cody and Kendra did their best to stay positive through it all, the severity of Hudson’s illness was evident when they met with a nephrologist and the entire nephrology team.

Their daughter, who had already been through so much at such a young age, was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease called Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome. It is a disease with no cure, but Cody explained that there are maintenance steps they can do until Hudson is able to have a kidney transplant.

“They more or less told us that without a kidney transplant, Hudson would not make it,” Cody said.

After getting the news, the young family commuted back and forth to Helen DeVos for weekly Albumin infusions, transplant appointments and donor appointments, constantly searching for what would be best for Hudson.

Despite all the treatment, including the weekly infusions, her levels were not stabilizing. Less than four months after her first visit to Helen DeVos, in January 2022, Hudson was admitted for her first nephrectomy and had her left kidney removed.

“It worked pretty good for a while and we continued on the Albumin infusions every Monday along with about six different medications,” Cody said. “We had to give her shots every day in her legs along with other oral medications. That worked great for a while, but then in November, she had another surgery and had her right kidney removed.”

Cody, Kendra and their daughter Hudson, the last two years have been filled with countless visits to the doctor and to the hospital. In January 2023, Cody will donate one of his kidneys to Hudson.
Cody, Kendra and their daughter Hudson, the last two years have been filled with countless visits to the doctor and to the hospital. In January 2023, Cody will donate one of his kidneys to Hudson.

As of now, Hudson has no kidneys and undergoes dialysis every night while she sleeps for about 12 hours. Then, on Jan. 17, Hudson and her father Cody will both go into surgery as Cody donates one of his kidneys to his daughter.

“I was lucky enough to be a blood and tissue match and was approved to be her donor,” Cody said. “It has definitely been rough but she is just so strong. She’s had five surgeries now in her two years of life and she just continues to fight to live her life and be happy.”

Cody said they could not have made it through without the incredible support from their friends, family and the surrounding community along with their team of doctors and nurses who have supported their family through it all.

“We are so lucky that we have such a strong support system with our family and friends,” Cody said. “For me personally though, this has been the hardest battle that I’ve faced in my life. There is a lot of wishing and wanting and I wish that I could take this away from my child.

“Watching her struggle, watching her fight the best that she can despite fighting a losing battle, it has been tough.”

Cody said they appreciate all the love and support. Whether it’s people dropping off meals through Meal Train or offering words of encouragement, Cody said they cannot thank the community enough.

“Just knowing that people are thinking about her and praying for her, it is so special,” Cody said. “I keep all the mementos and cards to show her, to show her all the people that were rooting for her throughout this journey.”

On Jan. 7, the community has an opportunity to show support for Hudson, Cody and Kendra through a Birthday Parade of Hope for Hudson Ireland event, hosted by Shields of Hope West Michigan.

Those interested can meet at noon at Rose Park Christian School, 556 Butternut Drive. From there, a parade will go past the family’s home to offer extra hope, love and encouragement. Due to Hudson’s compromised immune system, cars will only drive by with lights, sirens, signs, smiles and balloons.

“What I am really excited for is to see Hudson’s face as all these cars go by with their horns and sirens,” Cody said. “We are going to be in the hospital for her birthday and then afterwards, we have to be quarantined in our house for six to eight weeks. I’m just excited for her to have one last hoorah before everything happens.”

As for the future, Hudson will remain on medication for the rest of her life and will have kidney transplants every 15-20 years throughout her lifetime.

For those looking to offer additional help, Cody said families can arrange to donate a meal at mealtrain.com/rqd64d. Additional information about the parade is available on Facebook at Birthday Parade of Hope for Hudson Ireland.

“We just want to say thank you to everyone,” Cody said. “Small gestures, they mean so much and have helped us carry on way more than people probably understand. Something as simple as cooking a meal makes such a difference. It really helps carry us out of those darker places.”

— Contact freelancer Austin Metz at ametz@gannett.com.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Local couple's daughter to undergo kidney transplant surgery