Hostess Released A Limited-Edition Funfetti Cupcake For Its 100th Birthday

Photo credit: Hostess
Photo credit: Hostess

From Delish

The brand that brought you Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and Ho Hos is celebrating its 100th birthday. Hostess is getting the party started in the best way it knows how - with a new limited-edition treat flavor.

Birthday CupCakes consist of golden cake with rainbow sprinkles baked inside, along with vanilla icing in the middle. It’s topped with more rainbow sprinkles and Hostess’ famous The Original Squiggle.

Photo credit: Hostess
Photo credit: Hostess

“For Hostess, turning 100 is about all the people who have included us in their special occasions and everyday moments of indulgence,” Keith Peterfeso, brand director for all day snacking at Hostess Brands, said in a press release. “With this latest product innovation, we are sharing our birthday cake with Hostess fans across the country - spanning demographics, tastes, and generations - inviting everyone to take part of this once-in-a-century celebration.”

The flavor is part of Hostess’ annual CupCake Craze, when limited-edition flavors are released. Along with the Birthday CupCakes, this year will bring back Mint Chocolate CupCakes and Strawberry CupCakes. All of these flavors are in stores nationwide, and the Birthday flavor also comes in single-serve.

This seems more like a present for us than for Hostess, but we’re more than okay with that.

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