Hot, sticky July Fourth holiday likely in KC. Will thunderstorms dampen celebrations?

Fireworks for sale at a local fireworks stand. Check to make certain it is legal to set off consumer fireworks in your area.

A hot and sticky Fourth of July holiday is expected in the Kansas City area as temperatures will be heating up the next couple of days, according to the National Weather Service.

Temperatures are expected to reach into the lower to middle 90s on Monday and Tuesday, with the heat index value soaring into the upper 90s to near 100 degrees for the holiday, the weather service said.

“It is imperative that you take the heat into account if attending any afternoon Independence Day events,” the weather service said. The agency urged people to take proper precautions and provisions if headed outdoors.

Dew point temperatures are expected to be just under 70 degrees, “which will make things feel a little sticky, but not horribly uncomfortable,” the weather service said.

In general, dew point temperatures above 70 degrees in the summer mean there is a lot of moisture in the air and conditions are becoming more oppressive. When they are less than or equal to 55 degrees, it feels dry and comfortable.

The weather will be dry on Monday. On Tuesday, there is a slight chance of pop-up showers and storms during the daytime, but conditions are more favorable for those storms to be west and south of the Kansas City area.

The greatest chance for storms, however, come overnight Tuesday through Wednesday. A line of storms, accompanied with strong winds, is likely Tuesday night into early Wednesday. Some of the thunderstorms could be strong to severe, according to the weather service.

The expected arrival time of the storms will likely be after many of the holiday celebrations and events, the weather service said.

There’s another chance for severe weather Wednesday afternoon.

Temperatures are expected to reset back to the low to mid-80s on Wednesday and Thursday. Temperatures normally are in the upper 80s this time of year in Kansas City.

The overall weather pattern for the end of the week and into the weekend looks warmer with a little more active weather. There are chances for rain and thunderstorms Friday and into the weekend.