Can The House Impeach Donald Trump?

In January, Ford said it would invest $700 million at its Flat Rock assembly plant and create 700 new jobs in Michigan.

President Donald Trump has been at the receiving end of sharp criticism – over his healthcare bill, immigration orders, and most recently rollback of climate change policies – since he took office in January this year. A supporter of the president, however, said Trump may be ousted from office, as early as 2018.

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, who represents Florida’s 1st congressional district, has been a supporter of President Trump but in an interview with local radio “Pensacola Speaks,” the newly-elected congressman voiced his concern over Trump’s fate if Democrats won the majority of seats in the House in the 2018 election.

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Gaetz’s interview came soon after the Republicans failed to gather enough support to pass the GOP healthcare bill, which would replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, that was signed into law by former President Barack Obama.

The repeal of Obamacare was a part of Trump’s main agenda during the 2016 presidential election and he has faced considerable pressure from those who voted him in to act on his promises.

In the interview, Gaetz told the show’s Rick Outzen: “If we fail to repeal this law, I’m just telling you, Rick, you heard it here first, we will lose the majority in 2018, and then what you’ll have is you’ll have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and she’ll probably impeach Donald Trump in the first 30 days of being Speaker.”

Rep. Nancy Pelosi is currently the House minority leader. Despite the comments by Gaetz about Pelosi’s increased power if the Democrats gain a majority in 2018, the likelihood of the president being impeached, solely on partisan lines, is very low.

An example for this would be that the Obama administration worked at a time when Republicans were in the majority. For the president to be impeached, there has to be reason, backed by significant evidence.

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