How Many Number 3s Can You See? Try Latest Puzzle To Baffle The Internet


How many 3s can you see? (Facebook)

It sounds like an easy question - how many 3s can you see on this iPhone screen?

But the apparently easy puzzle has become an internet sensation.

Answers range from 15 to 21 and the worst part about the puzzle is there is seemingly no definitive answer.

There are 19 actual ‘3s’ you can spot if you look closely enough (see below).


The answer (or one answer at least) (Facebook)

But some argue that this is not the correct answer as there are two more ‘3s’, in the top left corner where the signal strength of the phone shows three bars being used.

The puzzle has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter.

Some puzzle solvers have even taken an existential approach to thew question, with one person claiming the answer is ‘2′, because the questions asks how many threes you can can see, not how many there are.

Probably best leave it to the internet to argue it out…