How to spring clean your closet in six steps


Spring cleaning doesn’t just mean washing your windows. With warm weather finally creeping in (kind of….), it’s also the perfect time to give your wardrobe a major overhaul – because when it comes to tackling your inner hoarder, the struggle is real.

Fashion Magazine’s Senior Fashion News editor Sarah Casselman has made a career out of spotting the latest trends and interpreting them for the masses. When it comes to editing her own closet, however, like many of us, she says just the thought of it makes her want to close the doors and put crime scene tape over it.

But Spring has sprung, and it’s time to make room for you next round of purchases. Here’s her plan of action:

1.Take baby steps

“I tend to tackle my closet in sections—one day I’ll go through dresses, the next pants, the next accessories and so on. I make two piles: Keep and toss. It’s so much easier to see what you actually need to buy once you discover what needs to go and what needs to stay,” insists Casselman.


2. Follow the one (or maybe two) year rule

“When it comes to tossing items, my general rule of thumb is if I haven’t worn the item in one or two years then it’s time to say goodbye,” the fashion editor advises. “It can be difficult to do this though because we attach memories to clothes—the dress you wore when your husband proposed, the outfit you wore when you landed your first job. One question to ask yourself as you go through your closet: If I were shopping right now, would I buy this? Chances are the answer will come easier than you think.

“Another key question to ask: ‘Do I feel confident in this?’ Whatever you wear you should truly own it.”

3. Make more piles

Go through your “toss” pile and break it up into 3 sections – toss (for items that are no longer wearable), sell (for designer pieces you can off-load online or at a consignment shop), and donate (for everything else)


4. Re-assemble

“Thanks to Pinterest, perfectly curated closets set the bar impossibly high, though they are great for inspiration like cool storage solutions and coding clothes by colour and seasons,” Casselman says. “Closets are like homes, they are always a work in progress.”

5. Accessories are forever

“I never toss costume jewelry—to me, it doesn’t matter whether the pieces are in or out I will wear them,” confesses Casselman. “Accessories are a great way to showcase your personal style, so trends don’t really apply. I keep my costume jewelry separate from my fine jewelry in clear plastic containers so the pieces are easy to find in a flash. As a working mom, that’s the key to getting out the door in the morning. Go-to looks that are polished with a little flash thrown into the mix.”

6. Haul time

Re-invest in staples. “It’s good to figure out what the hardest-working pieces in your closet are because chances are you’ll need to re-stock some (or all) of them from season to season.” High on Casselman’s list are button-downs, denim, wrap dresses, blazers and lightweight crew neck sweaters.

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