How to tell if your products are actually green



Last Friday, your social media streams were likely filled with all kinds of “green” products and “green” initiatives in celebration of Earth Day.

We’re all for protecting the environment, but probably aren’t alone in wondering what the heck “green” actually means.

Hoping to shed some light on this, we chatted with Rebecca McKillican and Erin Young, principals at Canadian e-retailer,, which claims to have “the country’s largest assortment of green and natural products.”

What makes a product “green?”

Green can be a very vague term as there is no universally agreed to definition. To us, green means products are made using natural, non-toxic plant or animal-based ingredients that are safer for us and that don’t negatively impact the environment or our natural resources when they’re made or when they’re being used.

What’s the benefit of using these over generic products?

Typically green products are easier on your body and less harmful on the planet. Lots of us are trying to reduce our exposure to chemicals, and green products with natural ingredients are great for that – especially if you have allergies or sensitive skin.

Sapadilla Grapefruit + Bergamot Dish Soap: This dish soap uses essential oils and natural ingredients, and leaves behind nothing but a fresh citrus scent, $7.

My [Erin’s] son had very bad eczema when he was a baby and I found that when I switched to natural bath soap and laundry detergent his condition improved significantly. A natural castile soap is made of ingredients that you will recognize like olive oils and coconut oils, whereas conventional soaps often contain petroleum and other chemicals.

Is there some sort of board or authority that monitors the use of the term green in the same way as say “certified organic?”

There isn’t a regulatory body per se and the term green is fairly broad and can mean different things to different people. Words like “green” and “natural” can sound really great, but it is important to always check the label before you buy something. One tip that we always suggest to our customers is to look for ingredients that you recognize and can pronounce.

If the packaging claims to be green but the ingredients are still full of things you can’t recognize, you may want to do some homework before you buy or consult with other consumers. At our products are peer reviewed on our website, so you can see how these products have worked for others and determine if they meet your needs.

Can you describe the “greenness spectrum?"

What we mean by that is that consumers don’t necessarily have to categorize themselves as being a certain level of green. There are “dark green” consumers who are extremely particular and only purchase products that are entirely organic and/or natural and have as limited impact on the environment as possible. There is also a whole segment of people who don’t exclusively use green products but may occasionally look for green products to complement the more mass-market products – they would be more “light green.”

Andalou Naturals Moisture Rich Shampoo: This natural shampoo is made with nourishing natural oils and butters to repair hair, minimize frizz and split ends, and give you tons of shine, $13.

We often see cleaning and bath products as the first green products that our customers try. When we both had our first children, we immediately made the switch to natural laundry detergent and bath soap and have over time started using green products in other categories.

When a product is labelled green, does it make it less strong or less effective?

One of the most common misconceptions about green products is that they don’t work. That might have been the case 20 years ago but that is definitely not the case today — there is such a great variety of green products on the market today, you really don’t have to sacrifice anything today to make greener choices.

Why should people buy green products?

People are becoming increasingly concerned about what they put on or in their bodies and bring into their homes. Products made from natural ingredients are easier on our bodies, cause less harm and are generally easier on the environment when they are being made and after they are used.

Does it really impact the environment that much?

Yes! Making the switch is super easy, and it’s a small change that has a big impact. Do whatever works for you, whether that means swapping out your household essentials to green versions with eco-friendly ingredients and sustainably made packaging, or switching to cloth diapers.

This year, we have seen sales of cloth diapers grow by more than 30 per cent whereas sales of conventional disposable diapers are flat. Moms are finding that making the switch is relatively easy, saves money and can have real impact on the environment - switching to cloth can save as many as 10,000 diapers (per baby) from ending up in landfills!

Thinkbaby Sunscreen: Made with safe natural ingredients, this dermatologist-recommended sunscreen is super water resistant, goes on smooth, and is perfect for active little ones, $20.

Are all green products labelled green?

Not necessarily. Green is not a standardized term so products that are made from natural ingredients may not say green directly on the packaging.

At, we do label natural products as “Green & Natural” so customers can easily search and filter for these products. Educating our customers to help them make choices that are right for them is one of the things that’s a key focus for us and has been since inception.

Is it possible to buy a product that is labelled green but isn’t actually green?

Checking labels is very important. Just because something looks green on the packaging or says it’s green, doesn’t mean it is. Always check your label and look closely at the ingredients.

Are there some good go-to green products that are easy to obtain and don’t require going to a specialty store?

Yes! It’s actually easier than ever to get your hands on some great green products for everything from cleaning to skin care to snacks. We’ve got thousands of great green picks at and will ship straight to your door - it doesn’t get any easier than that!

Have you tried making the switch to green? Let us know your thoughts by tweeting to @YahooStyleCA.