Howard Dean Reenacts Infamous Scream That Buried His 2004 Campaign (Video)

Howard Dean took the stage at the Democratic Convention and called back the infamous scream that helped doom his 2004 presidential bid.

“In Colorado, and Iowa, and North Carolina, and Michigan, and Florida, and Ohio and Pennsylvania, and then we’re going all the way to Washington, D.C.,” Dean said to end his speech during Tuesday’s convention.

Back in 2004, Dean was celebrating a third-place finish in the Iowa Caucus when he originally ended a speech with a similar line. However, a scream that followed the 2004 version was mocked and helped railroad Dean’s presidential campaign.

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Before recalling that fateful 2004 moment, Dean spent the majority of his speech discussing health insurance, praising President Obama and mocking GOP nominee Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump will take us back to a time when insurance companies can deny you coverage or charge you more just because you’re a woman,” Dean said before mimicking Trump’s pronunciation of the word “huge.”

The former governor of Vermont also poked fun at GOP vice presidential candidate Mike Pence, notifying the Indiana Governor that cigarettes are unhealthy.

“I hear Governor Pence missed the memo, but they do in fact cause cancer,” he quipped.

See video below of the 2004Howard Dean Reenacts Infamous Scream That Buried His 2004 Campaign (Video) “Dean Scream.”

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