HSPA names Kokomo Tribune top Indiana newspaper

Oct. 6—The Kokomo Tribune was selected Indiana's top newspaper, winning the Blue Ribbon Daily Award on Friday in the Hoosier State Press Association's annual Better Newspaper Contest.

In selecting The Kokomo Tribune as the Blue Ribbon winner, judges gave "special consideration ... to depth of coverage, quality of reporting, copy editing, news judgment, content balance, general appearance, originality, reader interest and overall professionalism," according to the HSPA.

"Judges base this highest accolade of the HSPA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest on an overall evaluation of the editorial quality of the newspaper," the HSPA states on its website. "The Blue Ribbon Award honors one daily and one non-daily newspaper, regardless of circulation size."

This is the first time The Kokomo Tribune has won the award. The Lebanon Reporter — also owned by CNHI — won the Blue Ribbon for non-daily newspapers.

Tribune publisher Robyn McCloskey said she was proud of the entire staff and their hard work to earn the recognition.

"Each department works hard every day to present quality news to the public and keep the community up to date on local events in a timely manner," McCloskey said. "The honor is well earned and deserved."

The Tribune also won second place for Best Website.

Other winners in the contest include Tribune features editor James Bennett III who won third place for Best Short Feature Story; Tribune education reporter Spencer Durham, who won first place for Best Short Feature Story; and CNHI state reporter and former Tribune reporter Carson Gerber, who won second place in Best News Coverage with No Deadline Pressure for coverage of Indiana's abortion ban.

Tribune photographer and reporter Kelly Lafferty Gerber won three first-place awards for Best In-Depth Feature or Feature Package for her story titled "Running with Kala;" Best Sports Feature Photo for a photo titled "Hoisting the baby;" and Best Portrait for a photo titled "Silly stringed."