Human-rights agency finds regime killed Payá. Democracies have no excuse not to sanction Cuba | Opinion

The 10-year investigation by the Americas’ most important human rights commission that concluded that the Cuban regime is responsible for the death of opposition leader Oswaldo Payá — who died in a suspicious car accident in 2012 — confirms what most of us have long suspected. Nevertheless, the finding is very important.

The 28-page ruling by the highly respected Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, an independent agency of the Organization of American States, will put pressure on Western democracies to take measures against the Cuban dictatorship. Among the first should be excluding Cuban dictator Miguel Diaz-Canel from upcoming summits.

The Cuban regime will argue, falsely — as it always does when confronted with uncomfortable truths — that IAHRC is an arm of U.S. imperialism or a CIA tool. But it won’t be a convincing argument. The IAHRC has a long history of independence.

The commission often has ruled against the United States. It was the first multilateral institution that charged the U.S. government with violating Guantánamo detainees’ human rights and ruled against the government in connection with wrongful detention of undocumented migrants.

The commission’s investigation into Payá’s death found that “there is serious and sufficient evidence to conclude that state agents participated in the death” of the human-rights leader and activist Harold Cepero, who was with him and two other passengers when their car crashed into a tree.

The driver, Spanish Popular Party politician Angel Carromero, survived. Shortly after the accident, the Cuban regime showed a video in which Carromero denied initial reports that the car had been rammed from behind.

Carromero was sentenced to four years in prison for reckless homicide, but was extradited to Spain a few months later. After his release, Carromero confirmed to the Miami Herald that the car had been intentionally hit from behind, and that he had been coerced by Cuban officials to say that he was speeding and lost control of the car when he accidentally hit the brakes.

Payá, the leader of the Christian Liberation Movement, was one of Cuba’s most impressive opposition activists. I had interviewed him several times, and he always struck me as having the smartest plan to push for democracy on the island.

His “Proyecto Varela” took advantage of a loophole in the Cuban Constitution that allowed citizens to propose changes in the laws, such as allowing freedom of expression, if at least 10,000 eligible voters signed a petition. Paya’s movement gathered about 30,000 signatures over the next few years, but the government rejected them citing technicalities.

Hours after the IAHRC ruling, I asked Paya’s daughter Rosa María Payá, who lives in Miami, what he father would have recommended nowadays to help restore democracy in Cuba.

She told me that the Varela Project would not be feasible today, because the Cuban dictatorship has since rewritten the constitution to prevent any such citizens’ petitions. The new constitution establishes that Cuba’s socialist system is “irrevocable.”

But Rosa María Payá told me that if her father were alive, he would be urging Cubans on the island and democracies abroad to step up the pressure on the Cuba’s regime.

“This is a historic ruling,” she told me, referring to the IAHRC verdict. “It should have consequences.”

When the Organization of American States’ General Assembly meets for its annual gathering in Washington on June 22, democracies of the Americas should vote to carry out the IAHRC recommendations included in the Payá ruling, she said. Among other things, the commission recommended demanding that Cuba be asked to punish those responsible for Payá’s murder, and to allow human-rights workers to do their job on the island.

Likewise, the United States should adopt new sanctions against Cuban officials, and the European Union should suspend any plans to upgrade relations with the island’s regime, she said. The European Union has announced it has invited all Latin American leaders, including Diaz-Canel, to the EU-CELAC summit of European and Latin American leaders to take place in Brussels in July.

In light of the IAHRC’s verdict in the Paya case, it would be scandalous for the EU to invite the leader of a country whose regime has just been accused of the state-sponsored murder of one of its top opposition leaders. Unless the Europeans disinvite Diaz-Canel, they will make a mockery of their claim to defend democracy and human rights.

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