Huron fish kill a black mark; Argus Leader failing as a public forum: Your letters

Argus Leader letters to the editor for Jan. 29:

Huron fishkill a tragedy; SD GFP should do more

That hundreds of dead fish have piled up along the Huron dam—partly due to the decision to place rocks next to the dam–is a tragedy. Worse, nothing is being done to save the surviving, suffering animals. Residents are picking live fish from the rocks, illegally, to be used for food.Fish are every bit as complex as the dogs and cats who share our homes. They can count and tell time, think ahead, and “talk” to one another underwater. Fish also feel pain. Culum Brown, a Macquarie University biologist who is studying the evolution of cognition in fish, argues that “it would be impossible for fish to survive as the cognitively and behaviorally complex animals they are without a capacity to feel pain.”The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department must do more to protect our delicate aquatic ecosystem. Protecting our planet requires kindness and compassion toward all species.− Jade Napierala, Beresford

More:Behind Huron's fish kill: Locals blame rocks, officials say otherwise

Center for American Exceptionalism a 'misguided thought'

Rep. Scott Odenback’s bill establishing the Center for American Exceptionalism. A program established by Hillsdale College, he believes, after graduation students should love (worship) America and its exceptionalism. A very misguided thought, based on Biblical principles and history.

Rep. Odenback read the Bible; God commands us to love equally in two ways. First, to love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. Equally as second, love your neighbor (those like you, those not like you, your enemy.) What is this love? I surrender all to you God, I am disparate for you, and I give all freely to you God. No place in God’s word are we commanded to love America’s (a nations) exceptionalism (which through God’s eye is pride, greed, self-reliance, self-control.) There is only one exceptional, that is our LORD. Religious leaders, spread truth, in the communities have utterly failed. No wonder churches are dying, the hypocrisy and shame of its leaders and political leaders.

More:Lawmakers could give Black Hills State power to create 'American exceptionalism' curriculum

This has been tried in history. Students should also study Germany’s national exceptionalism programs prior to and during World War II. How did this go for Germany? Go back further over 2,000 years, Israel from Genesis to Malachi. Israel at these times also called and declared Israeli exceptionalism. This did not go well as a nation.

This is no knock on Israel, America is in the same spot as Israel 2,000 years later. Israel is still God’s people, we are not. We have the written Bible, they did not. You may want to keep the Bible out of the hands of students. It not only identifies God’s grace, but equally our shame, his anger and vengeance against those who profess to be his but are not.

Roger Ingebritson, Fort Worth, Texas

Praise for roofing companies amid a harsh winter

There are so many good people and good companies in Sioux Falls. Wegner Roofing is one such company. A recent article in the Argus advised readers about issues relating to the build up of snow and ice on roofs after the record snowfall.

I contacted Wegner Roofing (a company whose trucks I had seen frequently in our neighborhood over the summer, replacing damaged roofs) to see if they could take a look at a particularly thick ice block in one of our association’s gutters. Adam and Jake came out the next afternoon and confirmed that we had a serious ice block.

More:Winter can bring issues for homeowners. Here's how to protect the roof over your head.

When I asked for the price to repair this, I was kindly informed that there would be no charge for this work. This was part of what they do to support the community! They worked in the cold for several hours the first day and ended up needing to use heat tape to address the ice dam, meaning that they would need to return several times to check on the status of the melting. They also volunteered to come back and check the gutters on our second building. Again, at no charge! What amazing service and generosity! We are so very grateful to them for their kindness and for this heartwarming experience.

− Stephanie Becker, President, Silver Creek Townhomes Association, Sioux Falls

Argus Leader's plans for letters to the editor 'marginally helpful'

In response to Shelly Conlon’s, the new Argus Leader News Director, article in last Sunday’s edition about introducing the Argus team and changes forthcoming particularly regarding the Opinion page and Letters to the Editor, her information was welcome but marginally helpful.

An arguably good team has been gathered, but when it comes to the Opinion page and Letters to the Editor that have, at best, only appeared on Sundays, it’s marginally helpful.

As a long time print subscriber, here’s what I’ve experienced:

  • There have not been any Letters to the Editor printed since July 2022;

  • The current print and online editions of the Argus no longer solicit Letters and haven’t for some time;

  • There have perhaps been 1 or 2 locally written opinion pieces since July 2022; mostly what has been printed has been drawn off the Gannett wire service;

  • Since July, 2022 we have been through an election cycle and are currently our state legislature is in session, times when public opinion runs high.

More:Conlon: 2023 for the Argus Leader will be all about the changes you'll see in ink

I have long been of the conviction that facilitating a public forum, exchanging ideas and opinions on the issues of the day is one of journalism’s primary roles, whether it’s print or broadcast media. As the state’s largest print media, the Argus had been letting us down in a big way. If Argus/Gannett leadership feels that the only narratives worth printing are those of Argus reporters or the USA Today newswire, South Dakota is the less for it.

Letters and opinion pieces written in South Dakota by South Dakotans are a critically important journalistic role for a South Dakota newspaper. Yankton does it, Pierre does it, Rapid City does it; but the state’s largest newspaper seemingly has stopped.

Needless to say, I long for the days when there was a vibrant exchange of ideas during elections and legislative sessions on the issues of the day that were reflected in thoughtful Letters to the Editor and locally written opinion or “My Turn” pieces. If the Argus does not commit to consistently inviting and printing those pieces, then such a forum will atrophy and die from neglect, as will the ultimate trajectory of the Argus Leader.

− Bill Kubat, Sioux Falls

Editor's note: The Argus Leader is only now in the works of rebuilding letters to the editor section after they were put on a brief hiatus this summer and fall as we examined resources and ongoing leadership changes. We welcome the public forum to help illuminate an exchange of ideas in the public sphere.

How to submit a letter to the editor:

Letters need to be no more than about 300 words, and will need to include first and last name, address, city and title. Addresses won’t be publicized, of course, but it’s a way for us to make sure those who submit a letter are who they say they are.

Letters will run on Sundays in print and online as we receive them. There may be moments, however, when we don't have any as we work to solicit interest and actively rebuild this part of our coverage for readers.

You can submit those to News Director Shelly Conlon by emailing or submit them through our online form here, which also is sent directly to the news director.

This article originally appeared on Sioux Falls Argus Leader: Huron fishkill a black mark; Argus Leader fails as a public forum: Your letters