Hurricane Harriet: Brooklyn Surrogate Judge Harriet Thompson’s ongoing tirade continues

If you thought that the horrific details of Brooklyn Surrogate Judge Harriet Thompson’s hateful verbal venom spewed towards gay men, Hispanics, women, West Indians, the overweight and the ill laid out in a public affidavit by state Chief Administrative Judge Larry Marks and published on this newspaper’s front page would be enough to shame her, you don’t know Harriet Thompson.

Thompson, stripped of her docket by Marks in December after the state Office of Court Administration inspector general substantiated the bias complaints against her (but still being paid her $210,900 salary), is suing Marks to be fully reinstated. And in her response affidavit, she goes for full-blown kooky.

She claims that as a “devout Christian,” she “acknowledges making specific statements about her religion and her religious beliefs.”

So presumably she cops to statements like those in Marks’ affidavit, where he says the IG documented Thompson saying: “I hate these gay white men; I’m going to show them. I’m afraid of no one, no one. The Holy Ghost told me and is showing me what they are trying to do. They are mad that a Black woman has this job, racist asses.”

Or, “They are coming for me, they’re jealous that I’m Black, but God will take care of them. Being gay is an abomination to mankind. Man shall not lay with man.” And for those judges she believes are “f****ts,” “The Holy Ghost was going to get them.”

Or, “Hispanics are deceitful, this originated from biblical times, watch them, you’ll see......Latina women, all of them are known to be loose, they use their vaginas for anything they want.”

Is that protected First Amendment religious speech for a judge?

Thompson also compares herself to Andrew Cuomo, but gets the facts wrong, claiming that Attorney General Tish James didn’t release her report on Cuomo.

And she has it out for the Daily News, “a misinformation highway and biased media outlet,” claiming we got several points wrong. Nope, we were correct, and are honored to have been singled out by the Dishonorable Thompson.