Idalia: USA TODAY Network news coverage, public safety information all in one place

USA TODAY and USA TODAY Network sites across the Southeast are providing free news coverage, public safety information and resource guides for Tropical Storm Idalia.

Here's a list of everything you need to know about the storm and how to stay safe.

How to find the latest news and updates on Idalia in your area

Idalia downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm Wednesday evening. The unprecedented storm made landfall in Florida's Big Bend region Wednesday morning.


  • Find the latest updates on Idalia with USA TODAY’s live updates file.



North Carolina:

How to track Idalia’s path, location

Track multiple hurricanes with USA TODAY’s live tracker.

This hurricane forecast track shows the center of the storm’s most likely path. The center of the storm can travel outside the cone up to 33% of the time.

How to sign up for text updates on Idalia

Sign up to receive text updates on Hurricane Idalia and its aftermath from journalists across the USA TODAY Network.

How to track power outages, what to do when it goes out

Here's how to prepare for a power outage and what to do when the power goes out.

See power outage totals in Florida and Georgia, according to USA TODAY's power outage tracking database.

Which airlines are offering waivers during Idalia?

Stay up to date on how Hurricane Idalia is impacting travel with USA TODAY Network’s travel disuptions file.

How to safely use a generator

Only use generators outdoors and away from windows. Here’s how to use a generator properly.

What are the hurricane go bag essentials?

From basic survival to first aid, here’s what to pack in your hurricane go bag to keep your family safe.

What U-Hauls in Florida are offering free storage?

Here’s a list of U-Hauls in Florida that are offering free storage space to residents affected by Hurricane Idalia.

How to protect your important documents

Here's what you need to do to protect important documents from potential wind, rain and flooding damage.

Why you shouldn't tape your windows before a major storm

Here’s what to know about taping your windows before a major storm.

How to avoid scammers taking advantage of vulnerable people

Here are some tips to help avoid the most common scams, according to the Florida Attorney General's Office,from repair scams, tree service scams, and water testing and treatment scams.

How to file an insurance claim when you get back from evacuation

Here are some tips to help you more easily navigate any damage done to your home or property during the storm, while staying safe.

What you need to document for insurance

Here’s how to prepare for a hurricane and get the most out of your home insurance claim.

6 activities to keep kids occupied during Idalia

Looking for activities to hold over the little ones until the storm passes? Here are some ideas.

How to handle a flooded home or car

Did your home or car get flooded from Hurricane Idalia? Here's what to do now.

Guide to renters insurance in Florida

If your apartment or rental home gets damaged in Hurricane Idalia, here's a guide to renters insurance in Florida.

Frozen foods you can grill if the power is still out

A refrigerator will keep food cold for four hours after the power goes out, according to FEMA, and a full freezer will hold its temperature for about 48 hours. Here's what you need to know about grilling food.

Here's what food are still safe to eat.

What areas have a boil water notice?

Here's a guide to useful information, including if there's a boil water notice in your area, as residents begin the road to recovery.

Why you shouldn't walk, play, swim in floodwater

Before you walk outside to explore the neighborhood, here's why you might want to think twice.

What to know about prescription refills

Here's what you should know about prescription refills in Florida.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: USA TODAY Network Idalia news coverage, public safety info