New 'hush rooms' debut at Bartlesville library to provide private space

The Bartlesville Public Library has recently enhanced its facilities with the addition of two new "hush rooms," thanks to community grants from two major corporations, ConocoPhillips and Phillips 66.

This project, supported by a $5,000 grant from ConocoPhillips and a $4,000 grant from Phillips 66, aims to provide patrons with a quiet, private space for various activities.

A patron uses one of two "hush rooms" recently added to the Bartlesville Public Library.
A patron uses one of two "hush rooms" recently added to the Bartlesville Public Library.

The newly installed rooms offer a "soundproof" environment, catering to the needs of library users who require a secluded area for business or personal purposes. Each room is equipped with modern amenities, including adjustable work surfaces, electrical outlets, lighting, and ventilation, ensuring a comfortable and functional space for users.

Library Director Shellie McGill said the demand for such private spaces has increased notably since the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw a surge in teleconferencing and online meetings. The hush rooms are designed to meet these evolving needs.

"With these new hush rooms, people can attend job interviews, meetings, classes and connect with loved ones in a private space," McGill said. "Our busy library can get noisy at times and these types of spaces are needed."

The hush rooms are now open to the public and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Bartlesville Public Library plans to convert its study rooms to quiet rooms to meet the community's need for private spaces.
The Bartlesville Public Library plans to convert its study rooms to quiet rooms to meet the community's need for private spaces.

Additionally, to meet the growing demand for private space, changes are coming to the old study rooms.

"We are working to renovate two rooms into four by building the walls all the way to the ceiling and we're putting some ventilation in them and making them into more quiet rooms than there are right now," McGill said.

For additional information about the hush rooms or other library services, interested parties are encouraged to contact the Bartlesville Public Library at 918-338-4187.

This article originally appeared on Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise: Quiet Revolution: Bartlesville library adds new 'hush rooms'