Hypocrisy of the GOP is amazing. Biden impeachment inquiry is an example | Opinion

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GOP’s big hypocrisies

You gotta love the consistency of Republicans.

Faced with a congressional subpoena, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio thumbed his nose at his colleagues. Now Jordan attacks Hunter Biden for offering to testify under oath in public, rather than behind closed doors.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson railed over and over and over again about the dangers to the republic of “single-party impeachment” actions. He cautioned the practice would irreparably harm the unity of the country.

Fast forward to today and Johnson is all in on the baseless (according to many Republicans) impeachment of President Biden.

Pro-life warriors Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, both at the front of the anti-abortion parade forever, now dodge and parry any questions about Kate Cox, the Texas woman whose problematic pregnancy forced her to leave the state to get an abortion recommended by her physician, but denied by the attorney general of Texas, a lawyer, not a doctor.

Then there is Trump himself. The soulless leader of a corrupt and collapsing political party who has made it clear his plans for America don’t include any of us, or the Constitution.

Jim Doyle, Fresno

Kevin McCarthy’s failing

Dear Kevin McCarthy: This is to inform you of something you don’t realize. Future historians will judge you accordingly for your actions.

On Jan. 6, 2021, I realized that although you and I have differ politically, socially, and economically, you were a decent person — one of character and morals. Sadly, not a month later, the respect I had for you faded faster than smoke in the wind. Seeing you with Trump at Mar-A-Lago to kiss Trump’s ring and ask for his blessing, after stating he incited an insurrection at the Capitol, made me realize you care more about power than the country you claim to love.

I may have contrasting views of the world compared to Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger, but they are decent people, unlike yourself. In my history classes, I teach my students that blind loyalty to any political party or leader is never good. Why? Because then the party and leader can do no wrong, and it, or they, are elevated to a god-like figure.

Sadly, you missed that day of lecture. Party loyalty is insignificant. What matters is loyalty to the country. Now, you hope to get a job in Trump’s cabinet. Pathetic.

Matt Deombeleg, Fresno

Poor picks for op-eds

Why are regular writers to the opinion pages of The Fresno Bee required to refrain from false narratives, but yet this paper publishes slanted opinions from the likes of George Will and Marc Theissen?

The latest from Will about taxing the wealthy is nothing more than another version of the false narrative about “poor rich people” having to pay a marginal tax rate. Your editorial board should be required to explain what a marginal tax rate is.

To the vocal minority, Will makes it sound like they will pay 90% of all their earnings in taxes. That is completely misleading. His source is the Manhattan Institute, which is just another right-wing think tank that is actively pushing for relief away from the fat cats that are always first at the money trough, and last to contribute their fair share in taxes.

Then you have the ever dull Theissen advocating a return the Reagan era. Odd in light of the fact that today’s GOP would like to watch Russia follow through on its naked aggression against Ukraine. Quite the opposite of Reagan. But in typical “conservative” fashion, the history of the country and their own party evades them when it doesn’t promote the current narrative by the GOP.

The Bee’s opinion staff has a larger duty than to prominently parrot current right-wing dog whistles by narrow-minded authors from The Washington Post like George F. Will and Marc Theissen.

Tim McKeever, Fresno

Vons store needs security cameras

I am an 82-year-old woman. I was shopping at Vons at Herndon and Fowler on Dec. 1 when walking to my vehicle around 9:30 a.m. a vehicle that was backing up ran into me.

My body was in contact with the vehicle and I was trying not to fall. People were yelling at the driver to stop, and I heard someone honking their horn. The driver did not exit their vehicle, and just left, not checking on me or why there was yelling and honking.

I only saw the person through the driver’s window and was not able to get a license plate number or any other identifying description. I am asking for anyone who recalls seeing that incident to please contact Clovis police.

I was injured and obviously shook up regarding what had happened. Vons doens’t have security cameras in the parking lot or out on the front of its building. I’m hoping that maybe now the store will consider putting installing them to help if there is another incident.

Lillian Van Sickle, Clovis