Hypocrisy by the Staunton mayor, some council members, citizen says: Letter

Thanks to The News Leader for its continuing coverage of city council.

Hypocrisy seems the cornerstone agenda of the four councilmembers who chose to brand themselves by their party affiliation. Their choice to align with a political party, rather than as neighbors, set the tone for a most divisive council.

The mayor’s occasional claim that she desires to “listen to the people” serves as a convenient excuse for holding an unpublicized town hall meeting last month, sudden support for extending call-in comments after her own party was shut down in Loudoun County the day prior, calling for a public hearing on the Second Amendment issue that had already been voted on, or for a campaign soundbite.

More: Staunton city manager is out by 'forced resignation' after marathon closed meeting

Her animosity for differing opinions is clear, whether it be her constituents or fellow council members who are targets for her hostility. Public lack of civility isn’t a model for our youth who aspire to serve in government offices, nor does it leave any room for substantive discourse. There’s been no reaching across the aisle unless it’s at the end of a long and expensive council retreat with reporters in attendance. Just where did that ‘reset button’ go, mayor?

The mayor’s model of unapologetic rancor towards others enables her fellow partisan party councilors to follow suit. When goodwill towards others is on display only when it serves an agenda, distrust is sown.

More: Staunton citizens rally to support City Manager Steve Rosenberg

More: Resignation of Staunton City Manager Steve Rosenberg: Councilor Mead's remarks

I applaud the citizens who are showing visible support of our city manager, who is a consummate professional and has shown infinite patience and tenacity as he steers this council towards even a modicum of their elected duties.

So much more could be accomplished that would truly serve the community, but the common good isn’t on the The 4’s agenda. Staunton needs a referendum to dock councilors’ pay for obstructing meaningful engagement. That might get some to read that rule book, review their oaths and get down to real work for Staunton.



This article originally appeared on Staunton News Leader: Staunton citizen says mayor, some councilmembers make divisive council