IAEA calls for “security protection zone” around Zaporizhzhia NPP

The area of the Zaporizhzhya NPP is constantly being shelled by the Russian occupiers
The area of the Zaporizhzhya NPP is constantly being shelled by the Russian occupiers

IAEA representatives on the ground alerted Grossi to recent events at the power station, which have further increased the risk of a hazardous accident.

“Shelling has caused a complete blackout in Enerhodar and compromised the safe operation of the nearby ZNPP,” said Grossi.

Read also: Integrity of Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant repeatedly violated, says IAEA chief Grossi

“This must stop, and a Nuclear Safety & Security Protection Zone (NSSPZ) agreed immediately. A nuclear power plant can never be a pawn of war.”

According to the IAEA, the station’s operators are considering shutting down the last remaining reactor, as they are no longer certain that an external power supply would be restored to the facility – which is necessary to keep reactor cooling systems running.

Grossi added that the ZNPP may also face personnel shortages, as the residents of the nearby city of Enerhodar have to contend with ever-worsening living conditions.

Read also: Moscow rules out demilitarizing Zaporizhzhia NPP

“This is absolutely unacceptable and can’t go on,” the official said.

“I strongly urge for all shelling to cease in this area. These dramatic events underscore the dire need for an NSSPZ.”

Russian forces shelled an electrical substation in Enerhodar, precipitating a blackout in parts of the city, which is now on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe, city mayor Dmytro Orlov said on Sept. 7.

Read also: Russian invaders shelling Enerhodar since morning as IAEA mission attempts to get to Zaporizhzhya NPP

A delegation of 14 IAEA experts arrived at Russia-occupied ZNPP on Sep. 1. After spending several hours at the facility, part of the delegation departed. Two agency experts remain at the power plant, monitoring the situation. IAEA head Rafael Grossi later said the agency will have a permanent presence at ZNPP.

Zaporizhzhia NPP is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, and has been occupied by Russian forces since March 4. Several ZNPP facilities have been damaged by Russian shelling, and the station's employees are captives of the occupying troops.

The Kremlin uses the facility as cover for its forces, as Ukraine can’t return fire for the risk of causing a nuclear calamity.

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine