IG Model Found Love 'By Way Of Kidnap' And Twitter Is Losing It

In a lengthy Instagram post, Instagram model Ayisha Diaz professed her appreciation and love for her boo, Lil G, sharing that it wasn’t love at first sight.

“Sometimes I be mad I ignored you for so many years,” she wrote in the caption of her Instagram post that was shared on Twitter. “Lol now look at me went from blocking you before we even dated to waking up next to you every day. Went from hell NO to being your girlfriend to you moving me in Within months.”

Though she wasn’t interested, Diaz recounted Lil G’s weird perseverance in dating her.

“The dedication and pressure you applied from before you met me was something no one could ignore but the more pressure you applied the more scared I got to get to know you,” she admitted in the post.

Diaz later shared that her now-boyfriend held her “hostage” while they were in Mexico.

“Best thing that happened was getting stuck with you for weeks in Mexico after you hid my passport and acted like I lost it lol,” she wrote, adding that she admired being able to see the man without jewelry, no cars,no money, no gifts just you in Jesus sandals, Shorts and personality.”

Diaz continued to gush about their relationship but when Twitter users caught wind of the questionable love story, they immediately called out the bizarre relationship.

“Shorty ‘fell in love’ by way of kidnap is wild” one user tweeted.

“What’s wild is nobody on the post is calling any of this out. They’re just like ‘[emoji] love this’ in the comments. Like are y’all [serious]” a viewer pointed out. 

Another user just replied with a GIF.

But it was Diaz’s appreciation of Lil G that stumped one Twitter user.

“Not only did she fall in love with a man who hid her passport and held her hostage in Mexico for WEEKS but she’s also thanking him for it” they wrote.

Others thought Lil G’s persistence was funny and understandable.

“Bro said u will love me by force,” one viewer tweeted with laughing emoji.

“ngl… for cake like that… I might commit a felony or 2 as well,” another added.