I'm the pro-life Democrat who confronted Pete Buttigieg. He's pushing out valuable voters.

I have been a registered Democratic voter since 1988, when I joined the Michigan State University Democrats and volunteered for Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis' presidential campaign. I have worked for three Democratic members of Congress on both sides of the abortion divide and have been to every National Democratic Convention since 1996. I support all the major Democratic causes of our day: expanded health care, a living wage and policies that provide more support to families. No one can question my commitment to Democratic cause.

For the same reasons, I am pro-life for the whole life. Abortion not only snuffs out the life of a human being but also worsens modern-day social inequities.

In China and India, where doctors have aborted tens of millions of baby girls for their gender, it entrenches the patriarchy. In the United States, it discriminates lethally against disabled people and threatens to wipe out our brothers and sisters with Down syndrome. It trades violent solutions for a whole-life approach to human life: funding maternal health care, providing child care and improving our abysmal education system. As a pro-union Michigander, my natural home is in the Democratic Party.

Pushed out by abortion extremists

For weeks, though, I have been trying without success to reach out to Democratic campaigns. Democrats for Life sent our candidate questionnaire to more than a dozen Democratic presidential primary campaigns, asking candidates to provide their stance on freedom of conscience for pro-life Democrats. One of these candidates was former Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who we thought would be the most likely candidate to understand pro-life Democrats and welcome us.

Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indian, campaigns in Las Vegas on Nov. 17, 2019.
Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indian, campaigns in Las Vegas on Nov. 17, 2019.

This week, at a town hall in Iowa, I finally had the chance to ask Buttigieg directly whether he would support more moderate platform language to include pro-life Democrats. He refused — twice — to even answer that part of my question and instead focused on his unyielding support for abortion and did not really seem to want the vote from me or people who share my views

The Democratic Party used to support a position that welcomes pro-life members. The 1996 and 2000 Democratic platforms noted that we are “a party of inclusion” and “we respect the individual conscience of each American on this difficult issue.”

But in 2012, the platform removed the word "rare" in its discussion of abortion and, in 2016, the party officially called for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which prohibit federal health care programs from funding the procedure.

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The reality today is that the Democratic Party, hounded by abortion extremists, is deep in the pockets of the pro-choice lobby. As much as today’s candidates talk about ending big money in politics, they make one major exception: the family planning and abortion lobby, a $3 billion industry that pads the wallets of political candidates to protect its own interests.

Pro-choice campaigners have been stalling in the court of public opinion, against all expectations. This is why they have resorted to megadonors to defray costs and fund campaigns. From 2001 to 2014, for instance, Warren Buffet's foundation has funded abortion access groups with an estimated $1.5 billion.

Making 'future former Democrats'

Buttigieg and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts — who has also refused to affirm pro-life Democrats — might find it pragmatic right now to reject our overtures. It won’t be pragmatic, though, when in November the Democratic Party loses a swath of pro-life states to President Donald Trump.

According to Gallup, 59% of Democrats support at least some restrictions on abortion, and 29% actively identify themselves as pro-life.

Nationwide, 20% of pro-life Democrats say they’d only vote for a pro-life candidate, according to a 2019 Public Religion Research Institute poll. States like Louisiana, West Virginia and Kentucky have Democratic voters who dislike the president in every respect — except his stance on abortion.

The president and his advisers are exploiting this issue, and they are already making the extremism of the Democratic Party a centerpiece of their campaign. This is precisely why the president appeared at the March for Life last week.

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Buttigieg likes to talk about “future former Republicans." With his extreme stance on abortion, though, he is doing precisely the opposite: building an army of future former Democrats, disturbed by Trump but forced into a corner. These include several friends of mine. I don’t want to join them.

His position that we should not draw a line on abortion goes against the polling. More than 17 million Democrats identified as pro-life in 2016, and 44% of Democrats support drawing the line to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy, according to a recent Marist poll.

According to our analysis of nationally representative data from Harvard, in 176 Democrat-held congressional districts nationwide, a majority of the population supports banning late-term abortions after 20 weeks gestation.

As recently as 2008, the Democratic Party recruited 12 pro-life candidates to compete for congressional seats. Several of them won, giving Democrats the congressional majority and the ability to pass a health care reform bill along with other important Democratic priorities

Today, things have changed.

The pro-life movement today is more inclusive than ever. The Democratic Party and its presidential candidates — less so.

I want my party back.

Kristen Day is the executive director of Democrats For Life of America. Follow her on Twitter: @ProLifeDem

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Pete Buttigieg's abortion stance pushes pro-life Democrats like me out