I'm proof that Congress accomplishes only what we do together

As I reflect on my nearly two decades representing Arizonans and prepare for my retirement, I feel immensely grateful for the opportunities and successes we have had along the way.

I strove to have an office that was accessible, accountable and always focused on delivering for Arizona. Taking a page out of U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords’ book, we hosted “Congress on Your Corner” events and drove miles and miles across our Southwest desert state.

We met with countless folks, learning about local issues that need a voice. I always promised my constituents, whether or not you agree with my position, I will tell you where I stand, and I will work for all Arizonans.

I learned that the highs are very high, that the lows are known … publicly, and that magic lives in the people you meet. The issues in Flagstaff are different from those in Tucson, but the requests are similar: “Remember us when you’re in Washington.”

How could I forget? Representing Arizona, my home, has been the highest honor of my life.

It's amazing to see how Arizona has grown

Most candidates get into politics for the right reasons, with aspirations of getting things done for their communities. But once you're on the job, you realize it's far more challenging than you might have hoped, and it’s certainly impossible to do it on your own.

It always feels like two steps forward, one step back, and just when you get close, one thing can change it all. I say this having experienced many victories and many more “close-but-not-close-enough” moments.

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Nonetheless, I’m amazed at the growth in opportunities, population, power and diversity that has evolved in Arizona since I was first elected in 2004. That change isn’t one person’s doing but the culmination of many people’s contributions over time, step-by-step, and the Arizonans who inspired leaders and changes at the ballot box.

We addressed many of our biggest challenges through transformative legislation and ambitious appropriations packages, often uniting broad ideological coalitions to get things done.

We passed meaningful legislation

During the Obama administration, I voted in support of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), knowing it would likely cost me reelection. The ACA reduced costs and secured access to health care coverage for millions of Americans with preexisting conditions.

Today, it insures well more than 200,000 Arizonans. We also saved the auto industry, guided our nation through the Great Recession and even brokered a historic nuclear deal with Iran.

More recently, we passed COVID-19 relief to help Americans through an unprecedented pandemic, including critical funding to get people tested and vaccinated, safely reopen schools, save small businesses and ease families’ hardship to pay rent or put food on the table.

Arizona has received historic investments in cleaner, more convenient transportation because of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Representing a border district, I understand the value and importance of a strong operating port of entry and have made port funding a top priority. Those efforts helped us ensure that the infrastructure act included hundreds of millions for Arizona’s Ports of Entry, and I’m proud that our office played a key role in securing such important funding.

I can't wait to see this state's future leaders

Since returning to Congress in 2019, I have been a member of the appropriations committee. The budgets we’ve passed have secured crucial funding for Arizona’s water infrastructure, wildfire preparedness and response and defense industry and installations.

I use “we” and “us” throughout this piece because this has never been a one-woman show. It gives me immense pride to know that the culture of our current and past staffers, and time working together, is what it always should be: good people who prioritize service to others above all else.

Many folks have asked what I will do next. I intend to enjoy my home and family in Arizona, of course. I’m going to continue supporting new women leaders running for office through my PAC, MOMS FED UP. I’m going to hike with my husband, and I hope to be a full-time present “Mumsy” to my grandchildren.

As Arizona continues to grow, I hope our representation does as well. I look forward to new voices and diverse perspectives emerging to lead and serve. Particularly to our younger generations: we need even more leaders like you.

As I hand over the keys to the next congressman, I hope you’ll carry on your contributions and dedication to our community and continue making a difference because together, step by step, it all adds up to progress.

Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat, represents Congressional District 2 in southern Arizona. Reach her at repannaz02@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Ann Kirkpatrick is proof that no U.S. representative acts alone