Imagine Dragons releases music video shot in Ukraine

The American pop-rock band Imagine Dragons released a new music video on May 10 that was shot on the front line in Ukraine.

"This is a dedication to Ukraine and support for United24. We will tell a lot more about this work. For now, just watch. And listen," Digital Transformation Minister Mykhailo Fedorov said.

According to the music video description on YouTube, the music video was filmed on the front line.

"It follows Sasha, a young boy who endured months of shelling in his town. Sasha's story is heartbreaking, and there are thousands more like him who desperately need help. Even today, his family is without electricity and other basic utilities," the description reads.

Imagine Dragons also called on people to donate to United24, for which they serve as ambassadors. United24 is a Ukrainian government-run platform to support the war effort.