Impact study of nonprofit arts, culture industry in Joplin begins next month

May 26—Connect2Culture, Joplin's community arts agency, will participate in "Arts & Economy Prosperity 6," the sixth national study of the economic impact nonprofit arts and culture establishments have on communities through jobs, generating government revenue and driving tourism.

It's the second time C2C has participated in the series, which occurs every five years. In 2015, city officials learned the nonprofit arts and culture sector generated $5.4 million in total economic activity.

"We already know the arts mean business in Joplin," said Emily Frankoski, C2C director, in a statement. "This economic impact study sends a strong message that when we support the arts, we not only enhance our quality of life, but we also invest in the city of Joplin's economic well-being. We are eager to see where we are now compared to 2015."

Joplin is one of 267 communities participating in the study, with data collecting beginning in June and results released in late 2023.
