Impose term limits on our leaders, on the basis of age: Today's talker

Impose term limits on our leaders, on the basis of age: Today's talker

House Democrats recently met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to discuss term limits for leadership positions.

Age limits needed for president, Supreme Court, Congress

By Marshall Frank

I am turning 80 this month. I don't care if I were the smartest politician in government and/or could still climb mountains — I would have no business being a president of the United States, a Supreme Court justice or a member of Congress at this age.

I feel in good shape, but I definitely have far less physical and mental stamina than I had 10 or 20 years ago, no matter how I try to fake it. While there may be exceptions, that’s the norm.

Of course, some lucky people are one-up in the genes, but the wear and tear of years on the mind and body have an effect on everyone and should not be risked in critical positions of power that affect all Americans. No offense to seniors, but it is important that our government employ the fittest and finest among our citizenry.

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In the past, we have had politicians who had no business occupying a seat in the Senate or the House. The most egregious example was Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., who served 47 years until 2003, the year he died at 100. He was so frail and under sedation, he needed assistance standing up from his chair.

Today, there are several congressional members over 80 still serving, starting with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., 85.

I salute all octogenarians who continue to serve their country, but there must be a point when it’s time for fresh blood, fresh ideas and vigor.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., flanked by Majority Whip James E. Clyburn, D-S.C., left, and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md.speak at the Capitol March 26, 2019.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., flanked by Majority Whip James E. Clyburn, D-S.C., left, and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md.speak at the Capitol March 26, 2019.

On the Supreme Court, stepping down can be a political issue. Justice Thurgood Marshall, whose capacity to serve on the court was questioned by the end of his career, worried about stepping down while a Republican was in the Oval Office. Chief Justice William Rehnquist suffered from thyroid cancer his last year, missing numerous oral arguments before dying in office. These justices relied on law clerks to review cases and write opinions. Today, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 86 years old, ill and frail.

Do we want our highest court judges and congressional representatives making the most crucial of decisions when they are far past their prime? Particularly disturbing is how much time members of the House must devote toward running for their next elections because they run every two years. Not much time is left for serving the people.

Common sense dictates we need term limits for all the high level representatives in government, with a cutoff at age 80 for the Supreme Court justices. That’s not being cruel, that's being sensible. And presidential elections should require candidates to be under the age of 80 during their term.

Individual states can create their own markers, but leaders in federal levels should be subject to limits.

In 1983, an assistant to White House counsel under President Ronald Reagan wrote a memo: "Setting a term of, say, 15 years would ensure that federal judges would not lose all touch with reality through decades of ivory tower existence. It would also provide a more regular and greater degree of turnover among the judges." The author was John G. Roberts, now chief justice of the Supreme Court.

I wonder whether Roberts still holds the same view today.

Marshall Frank is a retired police captain from Miami-Dade County, Florida, and contributor to Florida Today, where this column first appeared.

What others are saying

Doug Bandow, National Review: "Term limits most directly prevent politicians from turning office-holding into a career, spending 30 or 40 years as a congressman or senator, hanging on until they can barely function. Forcing rotation in office would also hinder the development of permanent relationships among members and interests/lobbyists. Even when these ties did develop, they would last only until the member’s term ends. By churning offices and encouraging electoral competition, term limits discourage the creation of a permanent political class."

Suzanna Sherry and Christopher Sundby, SCOTUSblog: "Term limits are likely to have a substantial detrimental effect on doctrinal stability. A case could go from being a sure winner to a sure loser over the course of a single election. And that doctrinal instability would likely alter the nature of jurisprudential evolution and change the focus of litigants, policymakers and lower court judges from doctrine to the court’s composition, further politicizing the court. Although there may be good arguments for term limits, we should think long and hard about these dangers before considering such a major change to our judicial system."

Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY: "This time, at least on the Democratic side, many candidates in their 30s, 40s and 50s would be an automatic generational contrast to President Donald Trump, and two in their late 60s (Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee) are close to Trump's age yet offer a contrast by running to save capitalism and the planet, respectively. Running toward the future, not the past. Still, seven of 10 Democrats and Democratic leaners in a Quinnipiac Poll last month said the age of a candidate is not an important factor to them. As a person of a certain age, I feel comfortable saying that it should be."

What our readers are saying

The Founding Fathers did not want career politicians. Representatives in our government were supposed to serve their country and then return to their families and professions.

— Randall D. Rigsby

Most people see term limits as good and career politicians as bad. The idea that some politicians would agree to give others a chance by retiring themselves would be tremendous news.

— Danny Powers

Politicians who retire when they don't have term limits just read the writing on the wall that playtime is over. The lavash lifestyles and personal gains are coming to a end, so they don't have any more incentive to stay.

— Jeffrey Lyons

Scholars have long proclaimed that the Founding Fathers never envisioned the career politicians that have taken up permanent residency inside the Beltway. They wanted the entire House to be cleaned every two years. And for some stability, they wrote that senators would be replaced every six years. This would ensure that the government would change with the times. It is the gullibility of the electorate that has created the perpetual politician.

— Tom Welsh

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Impose term limits on our leaders, on the basis of age: Today's talker