'In Our House There’s No Debate’: Man Uses Laser To Divide Bed With Wife


The battle of the bed is a familiar one to most couples.

You’re convinced they are encroaching on your side; they’re insistent they’re on theirs.

It’s often the source of endless bickering, duvet-tugging and restless nights.

Most of us simply put up with it – but this man claims to have found a drastic solution.

Redditor jonathan881 says he uses a laser to divide up the bed, adding: “in our house there’s no debate… only data”.

He posted two picture of the out-there solution on the social network, explaining that by using a $35.95 (£24.94) laser – bought from eBay – he can draw a red line down the bed.


The battle line is drawn (Imgur/jonathan881)

While hardly the most romantic gesture, it certainly ends any speculation.

He wrote: “I asked whom she thought was the more frequent offender, she guessed 50/50. I’m no noob…”

However, he does add that it’s only a joke. “This is totally playful, no spite at all,” he said. “I’m a lucky guy.”

The image has since had almost a million views.