This influencer wants to remind you how much difference filters make

Photo credit: Kim Britt - Instagram
Photo credit: Kim Britt - Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

Denial is great, it's a lovely safe space where we can pretend doughnuts are nutritious and bills are just a bad dream, but just occasionally, we get a little dose of reality that we actually like.

Kim Britt is an influencer from Switzerland whose uses her Instagram to show us all the difference between what we see scroll through endlessly on our feeds, to the pre-edit, pre-filter reality. She shows all her pictures side-by-side, detailing how she has edited and filtered them.

In a caption under one picture, she said, "It took me 5 minutes to change the background, make my body smaller and make my hair less messy. Stop comparing to photos you see online. They are mostly not real! Reality is not perfect and it doesn't need to be. Life is so much more than a perfect picture. Make sure you don't get brainwashed."

Kim's feed is full of her 'IG vs REALITY' franchise, which typically always include a caption-pep talk about unrealistic beauty standards. Her point is that it's so easy to manipulate these tiny snapshots with poses, lighting, filters and editing apps, and that what we see on Instagram does not reflect how we look the majority of the time.

Time to start integrating a bit of real life into the feed, maybe? Oh, and if that wasn't enough, she's got a really cute doggo.

Kim Britt isn't the first influencer to share the 'Insta v Reality' concept on her grid, breathing a breath of real life onto our feeds. Rianne Meijer, also an influencer, uses her platform to share the reality of what actually goes into perfect Instagram shots - whether that's perfect lighting, multiple angles, or choosing from a thousand shots.

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