'Insane, brilliant, maddening': Listeners remember KUTX's John Aielli, who died July 31

John Aielli, who was a fixture on Austin NPR affiliates KUT and KUTX for over 50 years, died on Sunday at 76.

Aielli was no ordinary disc jockey. His popular morning show "Eklektikos" was notable for both Aielli's free-roving musical sensibility and his stream of consciousness rambles on everything from the progress of his tomato garden to his favorite hummus recipe. Along the way, he introduced generations of Austinites to the city's quirky arts, music and culture scenes.

As news of his death spread, fans, friends and artists whom he supported took to social media to sing the praises of a true Austin original.

Avid listeners remembered how his musical wanderings took them down strange and wonderful aural avenues. Shinyribs frontman Kevin Russell was once hypnotized on a winter morning as Aielli played Glenn Gould’s Brahms 10 Intermezzi while golden rays of light poured into his bedroom.

From 2012:Conversations with KUT's John Aielli

Twitter user Patrick Lopez recalled a morning when Aielli had just acquired a box set of Northern European folk music. For hours, he broadcast a solo fiddle accompanied by percussive footsteps.

"It was insane, brilliant, maddening," Lopez wrote.

Stories of Aielli's legendary rambles were plentiful. Twitter user @subtlerbutler remembered him delivering a 20-minute testimonial about his love of spaghetti during a pledge drive.

"When they tried to steer him back on course he said, 'There is no past, no future, only now,' and still didn’t mention anything about donating," he wrote.

More:John Aielli, 1946-2022: A beloved Austin character

Artists and writers remembered him as a champion of their works. Chris Alonzo recalled a time when he went on the show to talk about music he'd written for a theater production. Aielli snatched the CD out of Alonzo's hand, popped it in the player and reacted to it live on the air.

"I thought I was gonna pass out!" Alonzo wrote.

When writer Alysa Harad went on the show to talk about her memoir "Coming to my Senses," she took perfume samples (the book is about becoming obsessed with perfume). Aielli sniffed the scents and reacted as she described them.

When he wasn't on air, Aielli liked to haunt Austin coffeeshops. Twitter user Owen Davis remembered Aielli trying to teach the employees at the cafe where he worked in college how to sing.

In recent years, he had become a regular at Cherrywood Coffeehouse in East Austin. He liked to hang out for hours reading. Several Twitter users noted he brought his own lamp.

Countless listeners mused about how his laid-back style and boundless curiosity both reflected and shaped the character of our city. State Representative Gina Hinojosa wrote on Twitter that he moved at the "pace of a bygone era in Austin. A pace that lured us in and kept us here."

And the Twitter account shitjohnaiellisays, which launched in 2011 as a collection of Aielli's infamous bon mots and non sequiturs, posted a heartfelt farewell:

"He was always unapologetically himself and helped us embrace our childlike wonder. He was our inspirational cup of coffee on our morning commute. And above all he was contagiously kind. We’ll miss you, John."

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Artists and fans remember Austin radio legend John Aielli of KUTX