Insanely impractical lens mount turns iPhone into a DSLR... sort of

How many times have you been taking pictures with your trusty iPhone and thought to yourself “this camera is so great, I wish I could put some huge telephoto lenses on it”? Like most normal people, we are assuming that you have never thought that, but on the off chance that you have,

The case is made of aluminum, and once installed on your phone you are able to attach either Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses to your phone. Hopefully the case is sturdy, since it will cost you $190 for the iPhone 3G and 3GS version and $249 for the iPhone 4 mount. We already know that the iphone 4 is the most used camera on Flickr, but this might be a little overkill. This case joins the likes of the Lecia i9 in the realm of ridiculous iPhone accessories.

Photojojo supplies several sample pictures taken with a SLR lenses attached and a similar photo without one. Even with our untrained eye, we can see that it does enhance the depth of field in the pictures. Photojojo did not have to provide proof that the zoom with the attached lenses is better than a stock iPhone, but you’ll find side-by-side pictures as well, just in case you had your doubts.

If you have several unused lenses laying around your house, no DSLR camera, and a lonely iPhone then this might be the perfect product for you. Sadly, in you include the price of the iPhone’s required service your iPhone might be the most expensive camera your lenses ever get attached to.