Intense Footage of Recently Exonerated Man’s Fatal Shooting Released


A Georgia sheriff’s office released videos Wednesday showing a man recently exonerated over an armed robbery being shot dead by a deputy during a traffic stop. The footage posted online by Camden County Sheriff Jim Proctor shows one of his deputies pulling over Leonard Cure—two months after the state of Florida apologized for imprisoning Cure for 16 years for a crime he didn’t commit. The footage shows the deputy telling Cure, 53, to get out of the car and put his hands on the rear of Cure’s truck. “I ain’t doing shit,” Cure says. After complying, the deputy tells Cure he pulled him over because “you passed me doing 100 miles per hour.” Cure then ignores commands to keep his hands on the truck, prompting the deputy to fire his taser. The pair then get into a physical altercation, with Cure pushing the deputy’s face to force his head backward, saying: “Yeah, bitch.” A shot then rings out.

Read it at Associated Press

Read more at The Daily Beast.