Invaders announced online broadcast from Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant "for its people"


The so-called "occupation authorities'' of Zaporizhzhia Oblast announced that drones will broadcast online the situation at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) on Friday.

Source: Russian propaganda agency RIA Novosti, on Telegram, citing the so-called "member of the main council of the military-civil administration of Zaporizhzhia Oblast" Vladimir Rogov in the interview with "Solovyov.Live".

Quote: "Zaporizhzhia Oblast administration promises that there will be constant filming of situation around the Zaporizhzhia NPP, made by drones, where – according to the Russian Defense Ministry – Ukrainian troops are preparing a provocation."

Updated: Later the Russian agency noted that the filming will be conducted "for the security forces" of the invaders.

Quote from Rogov: "The probability that tomorrow a provocation will be carried out against the nuclear power plant is not just much higher than average, but it is close to almost 100%.

Just yesterday, I specifically handed over drones to our guys at the nuclear power plant, so that constant filming would be conducted around the perimeter for Rosgvardiya (National Guard of the Russian Federation) and our security forces, so that later any arrival and moment could be recorded online."

Background: The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declared that on 19 August, a "large-scale provocation of the Kyiv regime" may occur at the Zaporizhzhia NPP during the visit of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to Ukraine.

In Russia, they claim that on August 19, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will launch artillery strikes on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia NPP from Nikopol, and then demonstrate the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the nuclear power plant.

Earlier, according to the media, the invaders placed artillery units at the Zaporizhzhia NPP  firing on the plant and simulating strikes from Nikopol.


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