Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds endorses Ron DeSantis, Trump reacts

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, second from left, joins Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on stage during a rally on Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, in Des Moines, Iowa.
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, second from left, joins Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on stage during a rally on Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, in Des Moines, Iowa. | Bryon Houlgrave, Associated Press
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At a DeSantis rally in Des Moines, Iowa, on Monday, popular Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds announced her endorsement of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the Republican presidential primary, saying he “is the person that we need leading this country.”

This endorsement is a major boost to the Florida governor who has experienced a persistent decline in support since last year. December 2022 polls showed DeSantis 11 percentage points above former President Donald Trump in Utah, but now, even though he is still ranked the second-highest GOP candidate, his numbers place him much closer to Nikki Haley than to Trump, the Deseret News reported. DeSantis has also experienced a decline nationally.

Reynolds’ endorsement came within 48 hours of the next GOP presidential debate, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 8, in Miami, Florida. Reynolds’ endorsement may spark watchers in Iowa to pay special attention to DeSantis Wednesday night.

Addressing the Iowa crowd, Reynolds said, “We need someone who will fight for you and win for you.” She continued, “We need someone who won’t get distracted, that will stay disciplined, who puts this country first and not himself. That leader is Ron DeSantis.”

Reynolds praised DeSantis for his work in Florida during the pandemic. “When the Trump administration let (Dr. Anthony) Fauci lead their response, Ron had the courage to say, ‘Not in Florida,’” she said. “He actually hired and listened to some of the best people to make sure that he was acting on real science and not fear.”

“And that is how this man handles every issue,” Reynolds added.

With an approval rating of 81%, according to an NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll, Reynolds’ public endorsement of DeSantis may have power to sway Iowa voters in the primaries, NBC reported.

Winning Iowa is crucial for candidates, as it has heavy influence in the outcome of the GOP presidential primary, Reuters reported.

In early October, the DeSantis campaign announced it would be moving a third of its staff to Iowa from Tallahassee, Florida, according to the New York Post. The move established Des Moines as the campaign’s second headquarters.

Trump reacted to Reynolds’ endorsement of DeSantis on Truth Social. He said, “Why would anybody endorse Ron DeSanctimonious, who is like a wounded bird falling from the sky? His Poll numbers are terrible, he is totally against Ethanol, and fought to destroy Social Security and Medicare. Well, the “Nation’s most unpopular governor,” Kim Reynolds of Iowa, just endorsed him. What’s that all about?”

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet The Press Now” on Monday, DeSantis and Reynolds explained Trump’s reaction to the Iowa governor’s recent endorsement.

“It’s almost like with Donald Trump, if you don’t kiss the ring — you can be the best governor ever and he’ll trash you. You can be a terrible, corrupt politician. But if you kiss his ring, then all of a sudden he’ll praise you,” DeSantis said.

Iowa’s presidential caucuses will be held on Jan. 15.