Iowan started chainsaw carving on a dare. Now you can see his work all across America

Gary Keenan carves a statue at the Iowa State Fair.
Gary Keenan carves a statue at the Iowa State Fair.

Gary Keenan can see inside wood.

There’s a buffalo waiting in that squat dark walnut log. A fox is breaking out of that wide stump of pine. And a hummingbird drinking from a blossoming flower is so obviously inside that tall, skinny branch it’s liable to burst through the bark.

For Keenan, 65, determining what a final carved art piece will be is a delicate dance between the subject in his mind’s eye, the size of log and the type of wood, its color and density.

“The ability to do reductive sculpture, to see it in your mind, people have told me it's something you're born with,” he says. “Most of my adult life, I knew I could do it, I just needed to try it.”

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And like all the best stories about new-found skills, Keenan’s entry into wood carving started with a dare. About 20 years ago, Kennan’s friend was telling him about the wood carvers at the Iowa State Fair, how amazing they were, and Keenan replied: “I think I could do that.”

Sure, he was an impressive doodler with his young kids, but he hadn’t taken an art class since junior high. The son of a dairy farmer, he’d been a livestock feed salesman and then a locksmith, both jobs that require an art, but not that kind of art.

Gary Keenan carves at the Iowa State Fair.
Gary Keenan carves at the Iowa State Fair.

Keenan's friend laughed and told him to bring over a chainsaw and carve a wayward log that had been taking up space in his backyard.

“It was rough and it was crude and it was slow going, but we ended up with a fish,” Keenan says. “I was intrigued with the process, so I started playing around with it on weekends.”

When a bad storm came rolling through town, he’d drive around offering to take down damaged trees if he could keep the resulting logs. Back in his driveway, he’d practice and practice and practice.

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Soon, the roughness softened; the crudeness became detailed. People started hiring him to make art out of trees lost to the Emerald Ash Borer or with stumps left over from a furious tornado. Word of mouth spread. Eventually, he was making enough money carving that he could go full-time.

And he’s never looked back.

“I like being outside, the physical work, being creative, meeting all kinds of people,” he says. “Mostly, it’s the opportunity to be creative and to work independently.”

From the Iowa State Fair to Europe, Keenan's work is worldwide

Gary Keenan's "Transformation" stands in Chicago's Jackson Park. The carving was commissioned by the Chicago Tree Project.
Gary Keenan's "Transformation" stands in Chicago's Jackson Park. The carving was commissioned by the Chicago Tree Project.

Keenan's work has taken him all over the country, where he mostly carves standing trees in people’s yards, and as far as England and Scotland for competitions.

At the Iowa State Fair — which he calls “the Yankee Stadium” of wood carving because it's the place every carver dreams of working — he’s been the main carver for more than a decade and his work, which is auctioned off on the last day of the fair, has brought in nearly $1 million for the Blue Ribbon Foundation.

Working with a chainsaw can be dangerous, mostly because its kickback is unpredictable. Keenan’s lucky to have his right eye, he says, after a strong kickback made mincemeat of his respirator, safety goggles and hat. And, about a decade ago, he fell through some scaffolding — which he often sets up to work on tall pieces — and spent 2 years on crutches.

Gary Keenan carves a statue at the Iowa State Fair on Aug. 15.
Gary Keenan carves a statue at the Iowa State Fair on Aug. 15.

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But he keeps coming back because he loves the challenge of a fresh piece of timber, the dance between subject, size and type.

“It's been a steady progression for 20 years,” he says. “Every piece I do I try to make it better than the last one I did.

“And it often comes down to more detail and more negative space.”

Keenan can see inside wood, yes, but a plethora of passion and plenty of practice have only made the picture clearer.

Courtney Crowder, the Register's Iowa Columnist, traverses the state's 99 counties telling Iowans' stories. She's tried to pick up knitting too many times to count. Reach her at or 515-284-8360. Follow her on Twitter @courtneycare.

Courtney Crowder staff photo, 2018
Courtney Crowder staff photo, 2018


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This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: This Iowa State Fair wood carver has worked all over America