Iran Still Thinks the Olympic Games Are a Zionist Conspiracy

Iran Still Thinks the Olympic Games Are a Zionist Conspiracy

In today's snapshot of state-sponsored propaganda, Iran still thinks the Jews hijacked the Olympics. Last year, the country threatened to boycott the London Olympics unless the organizers selected a different logo, which Tehran claimed spells the world "Zion." But London refused and called Iran's bluff. Now, even after some admirable gold medal performances, Iran is reviving the conspiracy theory with a graphic showing the world what it's talking about:

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Oh, now I see it!

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The above graphic appears on Iran's state-owned news agency Press TV. Only now, Iran is claiming that if the logo isn't a veiled homage to the Jewish State it's at least a reference to Nazi propaganda. Press TV explains: 

The London Olympics logo, as well as its designer, has been at the center of controversy since its creation and not the least for the fact that it keeps reminding people of the racial imagery of Nazi Germany or of Zionism rather than British culture or history.

Still, while the idea of Nazi propaganda surfacing on an Olympics logo is disturbing, the main concern here is this Jewish thing:

Iran said a few months ago that the logo design spells out the word “Zion” (biblical term for Bait-ul-Muqaddas) that is the perceived promise land in the Bible and the basis upon which Zionists justify their illegal occupation of the Palestinian lands.

The country sent a letter to president of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge in which it threatened to boycott the Games over the “revolting” politicized logo.

Hey Iran, you're having a terrific Olympics. Your Greco-Roman wrestler Said Mourad Abdvali is on track to win another gold. Was that a fluke or were the Jews just letting him win?