Italian navy officer found guilty of spying for Moscow

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According to the prosecution, Biot handed over secret documents to an employee of the Russian embassy in Italy, in March 2021. Biot took photos of 19 confidential NATO documents, including those marked “Top Secret,” in exchange for a promised reward of EUR 5,000 ($5,292).

Read also: Italy ready to donate five fighter jets to Ukraine, but doesn't want to be first – media

While the prosecutors asked for Biot to be imprisoned for life, he was ultimately sentenced to 30 years in prison. Biot’s lawyer maintains the defendant “had no chance to defend himself.”

Read also: Italy “unlikely” to send fighter jets to Ukraine, says foreign minister

Back in 2023, Biot’s wife said the officer decided to work for Russia due to personal financial difficulties exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and asserted her husband supplied Moscow with information of little significance.

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