J.K. Rowling Lambasted for 'Merry Terfmas' Tweet

J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling
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Best-selling author J.K. Rowling is showing her anti-transgender ways again by tweeting “Merry Terfmas.”

The Harry Potter creator’s tweet is a play on TERF, an acronym for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist.” She has expressed anti-trans views and promoted those of others. Recently, she was criticized for funding a center for survivors of rape and sexual assault that refuses to serve trans women. Officials with the center, Beira’s Place, said they will refer trans women elsewhere. Rowling’s tweet came in response to praise from another Twitter user.

However, some other users are denouncing Rowling.

Also, writer Jessie Earl is getting criticism from Rowling and other for suggesting that they enjoy the Rowling books and other merchandise they already own but boycott the new Potter video game. Earl says she’s received death threats from some quarters. Full disclosure: Earl is a former Advocate employee, and Brynn Tannehill has contributed to The Advocate.

It’s been three years since Rowling posted the following tweet, as both her supporters and opponents are pointing out.