J.P. Hall: General Motors divorced, abandoned Muncie. What does that mean for former site?

I supported the mayor’s efforts to redevelop the former General Motors Corporation (GM) brownfield site. I give him credit in trying to orchestrate and negotiate a proposal amid all the challenges that site faces. I also think solar made sense there. However, the failure of the recent deal has forced me to reflect further about how that site fits into the larger tapestry of the city, the ramifications of GM abandoning Muncie, what their exit has done to large portions of our community, and how we should move forward.

Known by many names over the years, and predominately connected to Chevrolet, the brownfield site located in the southwestern part of the city has had a long connection to the automotive industry. What happened on this site at the turn of the 20th century is legendary. One of the first automobiles ever created in America was built at the site, by the Inter-State Automobile Company (1908). GM has owned the ground since 1919. They developed, and built, their first start-to-finish automobile (the Sheridan) on the former factory grounds there. It’s another example of Muncie’s early ingenuity, grit, and her important relationship to American industrialization.

The relationship between GM and its citizens was like a marriage, to use a familial analogy. The relationship was symbiotic, and what was good for GM was generally good for many working families, and vice versa. In 1954, in recognition of the production of the 50 millionth vehicle produced by GM, local citizens took out ads in the Star Press to congratulate and signify the event. One ad read, “Muncie pays tribute to GM for its outstanding record as a good industrial citizen.” The concept of “industrial citizen” is worth pondering in the current global context. A large brick smokestack stood at the site for nearly a century, muraled in large white letters spelling Chevrolet, proudly symbolizing the relationship.

More: IDEM moves ahead with Chevy brownfield environmental work after Muncie solar project dies

As globalism rearranged how we made things, Muncie labor was slowly shipped elsewhere creating a long separation period which would eventually end in a divorce. With any divorce, there are long term consequences. Much, if not all of the southwest side of Muncie was created, developed, and nurtured by GM’s existence. This area was one of Muncie’s earliest suburbs. An industrial suburb created and dependent on GM.

Compounded by the difficult divorce, in 2007 our country’s financial and automobile sectors collapsed, necessitating one the largest corporate bailouts in our history. GM failed. They went bankrupt. Our federal leaders decided to save GM in 2008, eventually investing over $51 billion. A creative bait and switch occurred. All the negative liabilities of the company, including environmentally contaminated sites, where restructured under a separate entity called “Old GM” and the “New GM” was established to continue forward, free of the nasty incumbrances and environmental liabilities their industry produced.

I understand the Feds' motives here, as we measure all economic development in this country by jobs created — or in this case jobs saved elsewhere — but what Muncie was left with was neither jobs, nor the potential to create jobs. They were left with a blighted, vacant, and toxic piece of land.

I also understand GM’s actions too, as our system necessitates fiduciary responsibility amongst corporate shareholders, but when our government gets involved — utilizing taxpayer money — we must demand a fair deal for our citizens. Although the GM financial turnaround is heralded by many as a huge victory, we were collateral damage, and the irony is we incentivized this damage with our own tax dollars.

RACER Trust was created in 2011 to mitigate and find new uses for 89 former GM sites, including ours. They have been attempting to negotiate real estate deals at the site since at least 2015, and their management team consists of real estate professionals, lawyers, and former EPA officials. The purchase of the site by the city for $110,000 was negotiated by these experts in anticipation of the solar farm project moving forward. City council voted against the deal.

For subscribers: Cleanup manager says old Chevy site safe enough for various uses

The failure of the recent project raises some questions about the site. One, is the utter absence of GM’s responsibility in all of this. This multibillion-dollar global corporation is hardly mentioned in current discussion about the site. They have been let off the hook. Also, RACER Trust are now third-party actors as a result of the recent sale to the city. How can RACER take a dime from the people of Muncie, after all that we have been through, and why was the sale not conditional on the deal going through? It seems as if the expert team at RACER are working solely for their benefit and not for the benefit of Muncie. They use none of these funds towards the redevelopment of former GM sites and are obligated to use sale funds towards their own payroll and operational expenses. Their website states, “proceeds from the sale or lease of RACER properties are transferred to RACER’s Administrative Funding Account, from which the Trust pays its day-to-day expenses.” This issue, and the former GM site, is more than just an economic development project. RACER Trust should be loaning their environmental, real estate, and community development expertise to us, not negotiating with us for profit.

Additionally, we need to revisit how we are framing the environmental conundrum. The notion that this land will “heal itself” is another example of kicking the liability-can to our children. We cannot afford to kick the can down the road any further. We must address these issues as we face them, incrementally, boldly, and decisively. Mother Earth can not heal herself all on her own after five generations of abuse. And if she can, it will take generations and at additional costs to those geographically connected to the site. We need to help her, and this has to be a part of the plan on the front end, and not a secondary consideration. IDEM is essentially acting as a bystander in this. Due to state-level political pressure, and staffing shortages, they are unlikely and unable, to aggressively advocate for our interests. We must promote our own interests.

We need to think upstream. Instead of solely focusing on the symptoms of the problem, we need to start to understand what’s causing them. In our case, the nasty divorce with GM. A post-industrial transition plan, focusing on adapting areas associated with the site away from their original dependency to GM, might be helpful in reframing the long road ahead. The primacy of people should be heavily considered, much like children are when a family is ripped apart. The plan should also focus heavily on environmental remediation and should not treat it as a secondary thing. A sit-and-wait approach, or acting as if the land will heal itself, is misguided, hurtful to citizens, and sends the wrong message. This is more than just an economic development project. This is a “community preservation” project. We would all benefit from the shift away from the old paradigms.

There are great longstanding efforts under way in this area of the city (8twelve Coalition, Thomas Park- Avondale Neighborhood Association, South Central Neighborhood Association, Urban Light Community Chuch, Common Market, Ross Community Center, etc.), and they must have a seat at the table. Perhaps the failure of the last project is an opportunity to better coordinate future community and environmental efforts with all interested parties.

Related: Muncie neighborhoods to identify properties for environmental cleanup

Lastly, in less then 50 years, GM went from a “good industrial citizen” to a deadbeat dad. It is not unreasonable to try to hold them responsible, especially after their recent record-setting profits. GM needs to assist in the remediation of this site. Bankruptcy does not absolve them of their responsibility. As a result of the public bailout, and to honor the armies of workers who toiled for GM here, the citizens of Muncie are owed something better than what they have received. The laws surrounding general liability insurance, and how claims are captured for brownfields from previous owners, needs to be aggressively researched to assist in remediation. We need some experts working on our behalf mediating this nasty divorce.

J.P. Hall is assistant professor of Historic Preservation in the College of Architecture and Planning at Ball State University, and teaches courses pertaining to the economics, planning, law, and advocacy within the field. He has extensive experience working with communities, elected officials, property owners, and local organizations in re-purposing historic resources, downtowns, and neighborhoods. He currently sits on the Indiana Main Street Council, chaired by Lt Governor Crouch, is a member of the Delaware County/Muncie Planning Commissions, and was heavily involved in the planning efforts around the Together DM Plan.

This article originally appeared on Muncie Star Press: J.P. Hall: General Motors divorced and abandoned Muncie.