Jacksonville Humane Society Partners with Hubbard House for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The Hubbard House, Northeast Florida’s domestic violence center serving Duval and Baker Counties, is working in tandem with the Jacksonville Humane Society in raising awareness for October’s designation as Domestic Violence Awareness Month with free dog and cat adoptions on Saturday, October 15. Pets are vaccinated, microchipped, and neutered/spayed.

The Jacksonville Humane Society will also partner with Purina’s RedRover® Purple Leash Project, Purina’s nationwide efforts to keep families in the crises of domestic violence together with their beloved fur babies. Families who adopt dogs will receive a purple leash and those who adopt cats will receive a purple collar - purple representing the color of bruises seen and unseen.

Through efforts inclusive of grants, collaborative renovation projects and workshops, Purina’s Redrover project has provided safety, financial assistance, resources and emotional support for domestic violence victims and their pets.

The Purple Leash Project was born and bred out of Purina’s RedRover mission to keep families and their pets together as they say “from crises to care.”

According to Purina, all but one state within the U.S. has a least one pet-friendly domestic violence shelter. Purina says they’re committed to donating $2 million dollars by 2025 to ensure that at least 25% of shelters nationwide are pet friendly.

Statistics show that those under the vein of violence often refuse to leave their abusers without their beloved animals who often serve as a source of unconditional love and support. In a recent press release, Purina described the idea of leaving a pet behind as “unfair.”

“So we decided to help,” they said. “Since 2019, Purina has helped one of the largest domestic violence shelters in the U.S. on its journey to become a leading voice and shining example of pet-friendly sheltering. We also helped create the PAWS Act Coalition in support of the Pets and Women Safety (PAWS) Act, which helps domestic abuse survivors and their pets by advocating for federal resources dedicated to this cause.”

Denise Deisler, JHS’s CEO shared the organization’s support “from day one,” to the Purple Leash Project as well as their support to Hubbard House.

“We’re proud to partner with Hubbard House and support Purina’s and Red Rover’s vision where no one is trapped in abuse because they can’t take their whole family with them, including their pets,” she said in a recent press release.

For more information, visit jaxhumane.org

Anyone needing assistance due to an abusive situatiuon can speak with a trained advocate through Hubbard House’s 24/7 Hotline at (904) 354-3114 or Textline at (904) 210-3698.