January 2023 horoscopes: What this month has in store for your sign

Welcome to 2023! A new year is upon us, and the stars have a new batch of goodies. Before heading into individual horoscopes for January 2023, let's break down what the month has to offer the collective — and take a peak at our general 2023 horoscopes for the year ahead.

The main takeaway from this month's astrological happenings: Change is happening at a fast pace. Hold on tight so you can keep up.

An overview of January 2023's important astrological dates

Venus glides into Aquarius on Jan. 2, cooling down our romantic inclinations until the romantic planet swims into Pisces on Jan. 26.

The full moon in Cancer on Jan. 6 offers us a fresh emotional start to the new year. Mars ends its retrograde on Jan. 12 in Gemini, which began Oct. 30. Our energy levels and temperaments will rise after months of being slowed down.

Mercury retrograde ends on Jan. 18 in Capricorn, resolving the backwards journey that began on Dec. 29. The Sun enters Aquarius on Jan. 20, urging us to embrace our individuality and humanitarianism. The Aquarius new moon on Jan. 21 allows us to lean into our 2023 intentions and manifestations. Rebellious Uranus in Taurus turns direct on Jan. 22 after making backflips since Aug. 24, 2022.

Read on for January 2023 horoscopes


You’re becoming more discerning about the people you choose to have in your inner circle, realizing that negativity is a choice. By surrounding yourself with people who look on the brighter side of things, you find that you're smiling more. Frenemies can add a little bit of a thrill into your life, sure — but you're freer without the drama. Think about who has your back. Show them thanks however you see fit.


New year, new opportunity? 2023 may bring a chance to show off your talents, starting on jan. 2 when Venus enters Aquarius. As the month progresses, the new moon in Aquarius on January 21 brings inventive and exciting professional projects your way — most of which will make your creative spirit soar. When Uranus turns retrograde along your Sun on January 22, you’ll find that you have the unique perception to transform and change the work you’re doing. With the right amount of gusto, you can evolve your game towards the future.


You may feel in over your head at the start of the month, but help is on the way: Find relief on Jan. 12 and 18, when Mars and Mercury turn direct. From then on, you may feel supercharged and ready to take on the new year. The moment Aquarius season starts on Jan. 20, you'll have wind beneath your wings. Climb every mountain, follow every rainbow and take on the world with the optimistic outlook you've been missing since Mars retrograde began on Oct. 30.


The new year starts off with a gust of sentimentality, as the powerful full moon on January 6 aligns with your Sun sign, amplifying the tender sentiments that lie within your heart. But it may leave you vulnerable: Prepare for several miscommunications and frustrations with friends and family until Mercury ends its backwards spin on Jan. 18. The upside is that you’ll get the chance to work out some kinks in relationships with the incentive of becoming closer with others. The new moon on Jan. 21 intensifies such bonds and strengthens these foundations. Uranus’ direct motion on Jan. 22 solidifies connections, too.


Hold on tight, Leo. There are many changes happening in your world this month, and 2023 may start off with a feeling of action and disorientation. Keep an eye out for workplace dynamics undergoing an overhaul during the Aquarius new moon and Uranus' direct motion in Taurus on Jan. 21 and 22. Ask yourself how you can feel grounded amid any turmoil, then follow the answer.


You're wanting to be more in the moment and take risks. What's holding you back, then? It could be Mercury retrograde. Once you planetary ruler, Mercury, stars moving forward, you'll be able to embrace your artistry more effortlessly, and step out of the shadows and into the light of your talents. It can feel vulnerable to share yourself with the world. Be brave this month and show off the best of you.


It’s hard to always stay balanced and centered. There comes a time when you need to roar and let it all out. Give yourself the opportunity to release the anger and frustration that lies inside of you in a calm and balanced way through activities like yoga and meditation. Doing so will allow you to find your footing, especially when the going gets tough.


You like the way things are — you're a creature of habit and you quite wisely designed your habits to suit you. But the month ahead may call for flexibility and for you to step out of your regular regimen. During the new moon in Aquarius, try to go with the flow instead of trying to direct the flow yourself.


Sagittarius, the only way you know how to dream is to dream big. You're a visionary and you cradle your aspirations close to your heart. Before sharing your precious ideas with people, though, make sure you've thought them all through, and make sure you trust your confidants. Don't spill the beans ... only to have someone steal the beans. Instead, take action independently and then share the fruits of your labor with people.


There’s so much you’ve accomplished. Take stock of how far you've traveled, and make note of where you want to go next. This January, start on a new vision board to sketch out what you want to bring into your life. Jumpstarting the new year properly is an excellent way to assert your visions into all you do in 2023.


Things are lining up for you this month. After a month of hibernating from the seasonal change, you are finally coming outside to play during your solar return which begins on Jan. 20. Approximately 24 hours later, the new moon aligns with your Sun and Venus, bringing warm vibes and abundance your way. Also, Uranus, your modern planetary ruler, turns direct on Jan. 22, allowing you to set plans in motion. Use these dates as an opportunity to manifest goals and hopes for 2023. It’s a wonderful way to kick off your personal and professional journey in the upcoming year.


Real talk: You’re giving a lot of affection to those who may not be deserving of your time. Take a step back and assess if they’re worthy of your tenderness. Chances are that only a select few will actually reciprocate your kindness and love in the way you need. By the end of January, when Venus aligns with your Sun on Jan. 26, you'll begin to ask for more in relationships.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com