Japanese convenience store chain offers edible spoons to reduce plastic waste


A Japanese convenience store chain will start offering edible spoons in June that customers can use to eat ice cream.

Ministop, which has around 2,000 branches across Japan, is battling plastic spoons this summer with a new wafer spoon, according to a press release.

The convenience store chain is also releasing a new ice cream flavor called Nagano Purple in conjunction with the edible spoon’s launch. The sweet treat’s name was inspired by the purple grapes that grow in Nagano Prefecture.

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The forthcoming edible spoon is an improved version of a past Ministop product.

Last year, select branches offered edible spoons in an effort to reduce plastic waste and asked customers to voice their opinions. Over 90% of 400 survey participants reacted positively to the spoons.

Now, Ministop is set to release edible spoons with an altered length and shape in an attempt to improve the ice cream eating experience even more. Plastic spoons will still be available for customers who prefer them.

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