Jason Black urges drivers to slow down

Oct. 4—Many of the roads in Limestone County are Farm-to-Market roads, and District 3 Commissioner Jason Black reminds drivers to slow down to protect the livelihood and safety of local farmers.

"We've got a lot of cotton pickers and combines out on the roads right now," said Black who recently requested signage to be put up in a blind spot warning of the presence of farm equipment.

Black warned drivers, "the sun is bright when it's setting, and if you're looking into the sun and there's a combine or a cotton picker or a tractor or baler, or whatever, it can be hard to see."

According to the National Ag Safety Database, motor vehicles are the most common cause of injuries to farmers.

"Traffic accidents account for many of the serious injuries of farm people while they are off their farms," wrote John D. Rush from the NIOSH Education and Information Division.

A study published by the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health states roadway crashes involving agricultural vehicles are five times more fatal than non-agricultural accidents.

According to the same study, accidents involving agricultural equipment on rural roads most often occurred on straightaways with a grade, due to motorists attempting to overtake the slow moving vehicles.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention identifies agriculture as the occupational group with the third highest rate of work-related roadway crashes.

"We are still in a rural area here in Limestone County, and people need to slow down and be appreciative," Black said. "Just watch for our farmers, they need to be protected."