Jeb on ‘Jeb!’ — Bush says ‘take a hike’ after question about his campaign logo

BEDFORD, N.H. — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush did not appreciate being asked about his “Jeb!” campaign logo at an event here Saturday afternoon.

Bush, who has been relentlessly mocked as “low energy” by his rival Donald Trump, argued the country may in fact need a “quieter” president. He made the case for serene leadership while delivering an indictment of President Obama’s foreign policy.

“We need a president who doesn’t talk a big game. In fact, I would argue that the next president needs to be a little quieter,” Bush said.

Bush proceeded to give a litany of criticisms of the Obama administration’s positions.

“No more red lines with no backing it up. No more calling Russia a regional power. How’d that work out, Mr. President?” Bush asked, adding, “No more reset buttons with great grandiosity with nothing to show for it. No more pivoting to Asia, and Asian countries wondering where the pivot went, and the rest of the world wondering, ‘Why have you pivoted away from us?’ No more trash-talking. In fact, what we need to have is someone who quietly goes about the business of rebuilding our military.”

Given Bush’s argument for quiet leadership, Yahoo News asked if he still feels his campaign logo — “Jeb!” — and its exclamation point is the best representation of his candidacy. He brushed off the question.

“Take a hike, man,” Bush said.

Bush, who has struggled in the polls and landed in sixth place at the Iowa caucuses last week, is hoping to improve his standing in the New Hampshire primary on Feb. 9. The Granite State electorate is widely thought to be more friendly toward his relatively moderate brand of conservatism.