And the Jeff Bezos dick pic commentary has begun

It's probably best that you're sitting down for this.

The National Enquirer threatened to publish Jeff Bezos' dick pics if he didn't rein in his personal investigator, and in response the Amazon CEO posted about it on Medium. AMI later claimed it had "acted lawfully" and would investigate Bezos' allegations. 

Taking a page out of Alexander Hamilton's revenge book, he published a lengthy post about the incident and owned up to the nudes he sent, "rather than capitulate to extortion and blackmail." 

Once Bezos tweeted a link to the post, it was only a matter of time before the dick pic commentary began.

SEE ALSO: Jeff Bezos says National Enquirer threatened to reveal his nude photos

Some couldn't get over the bizarre scenario.  

Twitter users also applauded Bezos — shrugging off nudes because you have the money to is truly a baller move. 

Others just ... really didn't want to think about a horny billionaire's genitals. 

There was an abundance of puns and references to Amazon's somewhat terrifying marketing practices. 

There were also reactions to Bezos' use of "complexifier," which probably isn't the word he was trying to use. 


UPDATE: Feb. 8, 2019, 9:28 a.m. EST This story has been updated to include statement from AMI.