Jeff Bezos would pay nearly $7 billion to Elizabeth Warren's Medicare-for-all tax

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has a plan for taking Jeff Bezos' money.

The 2020 candidate unveiled her proposal Friday to pay for her estimated $34 trillion Medicare-for-all plan without upping taxes on the middle class. It relies on a big chunk of change from the country's biggest earners, and would end up costing the Amazon founder nearly $7 billion.

To raise the tremendous sum needed to provide universal health care, Warren laid out a $20.5 trillion tax package that she says targets "the financial sector, large corporations, and the top 1 percent." Bezos falls at the very top of that last category, and he'd be subject to Warren's wealth tax that was upped in this plan from two percent to six percent. And six percent of Bezos' $111.7 billion net worth? That's about $6.7 billion.

Joining Bezos at the top of the pile is Bill Gates, who would put in around $6.4 billion, and Warren Buffett, who'd contribute closer to $5 billion. Bezos' company would also end up paying heftier taxes, though it won't have to worry about providing employees with health care anymore.