Jenna Bush Hager and Hoda Kotb Are "Brave"—But Not Because They Stepped On a Scale

Photo credit: NBC - Getty Images
Photo credit: NBC - Getty Images

From Oprah Magazine

Most Americans weigh themselves on a regular—or semi-regular—basis. From dieting to the doctor’s office, the scale plays a big role in our daily lives. And Jenna Bush Hager and Hoda Kotb are no different. On Monday, the Today show hosts “weighed-in” on live TV to establish a baseline. (The pair was about to begin an experiment in intermittent fasting.) However, before stepping on the scale, the hosts expressed they were anxious. Kotb admitted they’d been “stressing out” over the concept all week while Bush Hager revealed she hasn’t tracked her weight for some time.

“Okay, I haven’t done this in a long time,” Hager said before kicking off her heels and “jumping off” the proverbial cliff. After seeing their numbers, the hosts even switched scales to be sure one wasn’t inaccurate.

And while many applauded Hager and Kotb for their courage—women praised the hosts for their honesty, transparency, and candor and news outlets celebrated their “boldness” and “bravery” during this televised “moment of truth”—I cringed while watching the weigh-in and public reaction. Why? Because Hager and Kotb were clearly uncomfortable. Because they were were anxious and afraid and because two poised, powerful, professional women were being reduced to a number.

Their discomfort with 171 and 157 pounds respectively, was minimizing and masking their worth. How do I know? Because I am an eating disorder survivor.

I have struggled with a distorted body image most of my life.

In my teens, I found numerous faults in my appearance. I thought my butt was too big, my breasts were too small, my thighs were too thick, and my stomach was too squishy. I worked out more, ate less, and hid my frail, 100-pound frame behind baggy shirts and oversized pants. In my 20s, after recovering, I shifted my focus to “wellness.” I ran 30 to 40 miles every week and avoided sugar, red meats, dairy, and carbs, and after the birth of my son, I became obsessed with shedding the so-called baby weight. I worked out 15 days postpartum and ran a half marathon less than two months after giving birth. Why? Because I grew up believing I needed to adhere to an impossible and improbable beauty standard.

Because the women in my life (and on TV) worked out with Jane Fonda and choked down chalky, diet shakes.

I am not alone. According to market research group Ipsos, most Americans are dissatisfied with their physical appearance, i.e. 83 percent of women and 74 percent of men do not like what they see in the mirror. In some cases, this dissatisfaction can lead to disordered thoughts and behaviors. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders estimates 30 million men and women live with eating disorder[s], and thanks to photo- and reality-altering software and social media, this number will likely rise.

To date, eating disorders claim one life every 62 minutes.

And while Bush Hager and Kotb were embarking on their journey for all the right reasons, or so it seems—“we’re doing it [intermittent fasting] to be healthy,” Hager said, “and to improve our brain,” Kotb added—the two women are already healthy. According to a body mass calculator on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, Kotb is "normal" and Hager, who recently had a child, is just seven pounds "overweight." Their discomfort with their numbers is upsetting to those weighing a similar amount or more.

Make no mistake: There is nothing wrong with wanting to live a healthy, happy life, and my gripe is not with Hager or Kotb. I also understand why many find their actions admirable and inspiring. I wish I could overcome my fears in such a public way. But in an ideal world, weight wouldn’t be a fear and stepping on the scale wouldn’t be traumatizing or scandalous. It would just be a number. No one would be writing about it, because no one would care.

So while I applaud Hager and Kotb for wanting to reclaim their health, I hope we as a society can redefine beauty and bravery because no one size is sexy and stepping on a scale does not make you strong.

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