You might be tempted to walk out of 'Men.' Here's why you absolutely shouldn't

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Say this for Alex Garland: he makes interesting movies.

Good movies? I think so, but your mileage may vary. I loved “Ex Machina” and “Annihilation,” and I think I like “Men,” his latest. I think. I’m still sorting it out, and suspect I always will be — and that’s a good quality in a movie. “It makes you think” has become a rare quality in the age of Marvel blockbusters. So kudos to Garland for that.

You can say it’s about grief and toxic masculinity and more, because it is. But it is a lot more, too, a lot that doesn’t lend itself to easy explanation — or understanding, even.

It has a bravura performance from Rory Kinnear, who plays a village full of characters, but its secret weapon is Jessie Buckley, who is proving to be an excellent interpreter of out-there material. (See her in “I’m Thinking of Ending Things," one of the best films of 2020, for instance.) Her grounded performances fit seamlessly into the freak-out goings on around her. It’s pretty amazing work.

Jessie Buckley grounds the weirdness with her performance

Buckley plays Harper, whose husband (Paapa Essiedu) has died, either by suicide or accident after she tells him she wants a divorce. He threatens to kill himself if she follows through, but it is not clear to her or authorities or the audience whether he carried out the threat.

Harper rents a house in the English countryside to get away from her apartment and out of her head for a couple of weeks. The beauty of the place surprises her.

She’s met by the owner (Kinnear), a gratingly friendly sort, with bad jokes and a lack of certain social graces. She plucks an apple from the tree out front — if the Garden of Eden reference isn’t evident enough, Garland will make sure you don’t miss it — and eagerly hustles the owner out of the house.

On a walk through the lush forest beside the grounds, she wanders into a tunnel. She’s delighted at the echo, singing out notes that bounce back and forth. It’s pretty enough but also haunting — like everything else in the world Garland creates, it’s a little off somehow, enough for unease to set in. (Her echoes are later incorporated into the soundtrack.)

Then there is more than unease. A naked man, covered in what seems like green mud, begins following Harper. She manages to elude him to get home, but later he shows up on the grounds of the house she’s renting. (Pay attention to the entirety of the screen. Garland does more with framing in a horror movie than anyone since David Robert Mitchell in “It Follows.” Something is going on everywhere, all the time.)

The police arrest him — one of the officers appears to be the only other woman present in the village besides Harper — but things only get weirder from there. A lot weirder.

Rory Kinnear makes all his characters distinct, yet recognizable

Harper makes glitchy FaceTime calls to her friend Riley (Gayle Rankin), telling her about what an odd and scary time she’s having. A walk into the village proper goes south, first in what seems like a lovely little chapel — it’s not — and a visit from the vicar (Kinnear, again) who seems sympathetic at first before he questions her role in her husband’s death.

There’s also an encounter with a mask-wearing child who harasses her (Kinnear again, when he unmasks), then a bartender (Kinnear) and a cop (Kinnear), as well as the owner of the home (guess who, again).

Kinnear doesn’t look identical in any of the roles, just recognizable (mostly). What is Garland up to here? You can guess at a few things having to do with male oppression, maybe, but soon things will take a horrific and stomach-churning turn.

And that, it turns out, is just a warm-up for what follows. Whew. This is not a movie for the squeamish.

It may not be a movie for the non-squeamish either. But it is a movie for those who like to see directors take big swings, seemingly unconcerned if they whiff every now and then. And for those who like to see actors unafraid to dive in without hesitation, no matter what the role (or roles) demands of them.

And “Men” demands a lot.

'Men' 3.5 stars

Great ★★★★★ Good ★★★★

Fair ★★★ Bad ★★ Bomb ★

Director: Alex Garland.

Cast: Jessie Buckley, Rory Kinnear, Gayle Rankin.

Rating: Rated R for disturbing and violent content, graphic nudity, grisly images and language.

Note: In theaters May 20.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: You might be tempted to walk out of 'Men.' Why you shouldn't