Jews Are Not Abandoning Obama After All

When it looked increasingly likely that Republican Bob Turner could win a special election in a traditionally Democratic congressional district in New York this month, the nervous Democratic National Committee featured a presentation at its national meeting in Chicago on "Jewish messaging." Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch's endorsed Turner, a saying that vote for him would send President Obama a message on his Israel policy. And when Turner won, the vote was declared the "REVENGE OF THE JEWS" by the Drudge Report. In the wake of Democrats' defeat, the Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin calls Obama's attempt to reach out to Jewish voters "frantic." But now it looks Obama doesn't need to panic, because Jews don't want revenge on Obama after all. Democratic-leaning firm Public Policy Polling found that the president has a 76 percent approval rating among Jews in Florida. He beats Rick Perry among that group 82 percent to 2 percent. Obama's approval rating in the New York district was just 26 percent, as Slate's Dave Weigel notes. Which means it's time to move on to a new message: There are hardly any Jews! The Wall Street Journal's Jonathan Weisman points out that there are just 653,000 Jews in Florida, compared to 8.4 million Latinos. So all of that debate a couple weeks ago? Totally meaningless!