Third Jordan speaker vote pushed to Thursday after lost support: LIVE

The next vote on the flailing speakership bid of Rep Jim Jordan has been pushed to tomorrow.

This comes as Mr Jordan is refusing to drop his bid even after losing two votes on the floor of the House.

“We got 200 votes. We picked up some today, a couple of them dropped off but they voted for me before, I think they’ll come back again. So we’ll keep talking to members, keep working on it,” Mr Jordan told the press, according to Politico.

On Wednesday, 22 Republicans voted against Mr Jordan – up from 20 on Tuesday. Four members joined the anti-Jordan coalition, while two who voted against him in the first vote went back into the fold to support him.

The Ohio Republican lost the support of Reps Vern Buchanan of Florida, Drew Ferguson of Georgia, Marianette Miller-Meeks of Iowa, and Pete Stauber of Minnesota.

Some Republicans, led by Rep David Joyce of Ohio, have discussed potentially giving Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry more power so the House could resume deliberation to pass spending bills to avert a government shutdown.

Key Points

  • VIDEO: Moment Jim Jordan loses second House speaker vote by larger margin than in first round

  • Jordan pushing ahead even after two defeats: ‘We’ll keep talking to members’

  • Jim Jordan loses more votes in second ballot for House speaker

  • Third vote on Jordan speakership pushed to Thursday

  • New York Republican says ‘it’s clear’ Jordan ‘doesn’t have the votes’

Hundreds of protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

Wednesday 18 October 2023 21:30 , Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon Rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, with thousands more taking to the streets outside.

Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered in the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.

More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.

Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.

Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.


Dozens of protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

Third vote on Jordan speakership pushed to tommorrow

Wednesday 18 October 2023 21:06 , Gustaf Kilander

The next vote on the flailing speakership bid of Rep Jim Jordan has been pushed to tomorrow Thursday (19 October), according ton Politico.

Mr Jordan is refusing to drop his speakership bid even after losing two votes on the floor of the House.

“We got 200 votes. We picked up some today, a couple of them dropped off but they voted for me before, I think they’ll come back again. So we’ll keep talking to members, keep working on it,” Mr Jordan told the press, according to Politico.

On Wednesday, 22 Republicans voted against Mr Jordan – up from 20 on Tuesday. Four members joined the anti-Jordan coalition, while two who voted against him in the first vote went back into the fold to support him.

Reps Victoria Spartz and Doug LaMalfa both voted for Mr Jordan after not supporting him on the first ballot.

Rep Gus Bilirakis didn’t attend the vote on Tuesday but showed up on Wednesday to back Mr Jordan.

Republican who went up against Jordan nomination blames chaos on Democrats

Wednesday 18 October 2023 21:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Austin Scott, who put his name in the hat against Mr Jordan’s nomination, appeared on CNN attempting to blame Democrats for the situation in the House.

GOP Rep pushing for ‘off-site’ meetings

Wednesday 18 October 2023 20:40 , Gustaf Kilander

Republican Rep Mike Garcia told Axios that he’s pushing for “off-site” meetings of the GOP caucus instead of further “therapy” sessions.

“It sounds silly, but let’s go to Gettysburg or something … We need to sequester ourselves somewhere else outside the Beltway,” he added.

New York Republican says ‘it’s clear’ Jordan ‘doesn’t have the votes’

Wednesday 18 October 2023 20:20 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Mike Lawler, who voted against Mr Jordan on both ballots, told CNN that “it’s clear he doesn’t have the votes. Obviously it’s up to him if he wants to put it to a third ballot, I think you’ll see more folks dropping off on a third ballot”.

“I don’t see the outcome changing here,” he added. “I think it’s imperative that we empower Patrick McHenry to serve at least for the time being in that speaker role so that he can get the House moving again.”

“I continue to believe that Kevin McCarthy is the right person to lead this House. He never should have been removed as speaker,” Mr Lawler said. “Democrats need to look in the mirror here. They helped create this mess so they’re going to have to help get out of it. So if a resolution is put on the floor to give Patrick the ability to serve as a temporary speaker it would be the height of hypocrisy to vote against it.”

Opposition to Jordan hatched plan to show building coalition

Wednesday 18 October 2023 20:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Opponents of Mr Jordan have revealed that they agreed on a strategy to increase their vote totals over the course of several ballots as a way to push the Ohian to drop his bid.

One GOP member who backed Mr Jordan on the first two votes said that a number of them hatched a plan to abandon Mr Jordan gradually to show that the opposition to his bid is building, according to CNN.

He said they “basically drew straws” to decide who would vote against Mr Jordan on the first ballot and who would joj the effort later.

Four Republicans dropped from the ranks supporting Mr Jordan on the second ballot, and the GOP member said more would follow if there’s a third vote.

Amidst House Speaker chaos, protesters occupy rotunda demanding Israeli ceasefire

Wednesday 18 October 2023 19:49 , Gustaf Kilander

Jimmy Kimmel roasts Kevin McCarthy for blaming House speaker chaos on Democrats

Wednesday 18 October 2023 19:35 , Ariana Baio

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy refuses to believe Republicans are to blame for the chaotic situation unfolding in the House of Representatives – as GOP members struggle to elect a new speaker.

Despite Mr McCarthy being ousted by eight members of his own party due to dissatisfaction with him, he told Fox News reporters that it was actually Democrats who “created this mess.”

“We wouldn’t be here if every single Democrat didn’t vote with eight Republicans to shut this place down,” Mr McCarthy said, despite the fact that Republicans retain a majority in the House.

Mr McCarthy’s theory about the speakership chaos struck a chord with late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, who compared the former speaker to spoiling hor d’oeuvres.

On Tuesday night’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live the host said: “No, no, no we’re here today because your own party threw you out like a tray of salmon cakes from last weekend’s hometown buffet.”


Jimmy Kimmel roasts McCarthy for blaming speaker chaos on Democrats

VIDEO: Moment Jim Jordan loses second House speaker vote by larger margin than in first round

Wednesday 18 October 2023 19:15 , Benji Salmon

Jordan pushing ahead even after two defeats: ‘We’ll keep talking to members’

Wednesday 18 October 2023 18:49 , Gustaf Kilander

Even after losing two votes on the floor of the House, Mr Jordan told reporters that he’s planning on pushing ahead with his candidacy for the speakership.

“We got 200 votes. We picked up some today, a couple of them dropped off but they voted for me before, I think they’ll come back again. So we’ll keep talking to members, keep working on it,” Mr Jordan told the press, according to Politico, after getting 199 votes, losing four votes and gaining the support of two members.

‘Fifteen days should be enough'

Wednesday 18 October 2023 18:45 , Eric Garcia

Rep Tom Cole, the chairman of the House Rules Committee, delivered a nominating speech to rally supporters for Mr Jordan, citing Mr Jordan’s “personal integrity” and calling on the House to get back to work.

Conversely, Rep Pete Aguilar, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, nominated House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

“The country cannot afford more delays and more chaos,” he said. “Fifteen days should be enough.”

The vote comes as some Republicans, led by Rep David Joyce of Ohio, have discussed potentially giving Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry more power so the House could resume deliberation to pass spending bills to avert a government shutdown.

In addition, the House is hoping to pass an aide package to Israel as President Joe Biden pays a visit to the nation as Israel has begun a war in Gaza after Hamas attacked earlier this month. The House also hopes to pass aid to Ukraine despite the fact that many conservatives oppose aiding Ukraine.

Jim Jordan loses more votes in second ballot for House speaker

Wednesday 18 October 2023 18:27 , Eric Garcia

Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed to become speaker of the US House of Representatives after a second day of votes as more Republicans joined the initial 20 members of the House GOP conference who opposed his nomination.

Mr Jordan, a right-wing firebrand and close ally of former president Donald Trump, failed to gain the necessary 217 votes to become speaker of the House as the House enters its third week without a leader.

While some Republicans switched to support Mr Jordan, the Ohio Republican lost the support of Reps Vern Buchanan of Florida, Drew Ferguson of Georgia, Marianette Miller Meeks of Iowa and Pete Stauber of Minnesota.

The failure comes after Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) filed a motion to vacate two weeks ago to unseat former speaker Kevin McCarthy and conservatives blocked House Majority Steve Scalise.


Jim Jordan loses more votes in second ballot for House speaker

Wednesday 18 October 2023 18:02 , Gustaf Kilander

Four Republicans who voted for Mr Jordan on Tuesday didn’t back him today.

Two Republicans who voted against him yesterday flipped to back him.

One member who was absent on Tuesday voted for Mr Jordan today.

After getting 200 votes on Tuesday, Mr Jordan appears to receive 199 today.

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:51 , Gustaf Kilander

Following a fourth fresh defection from Mr Jordan, the anti-Jordan GOP coalition reached 21 – a worse result than on Tuesday.

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:38 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Doug LaMalfa voted for Mr Jordan on Wednesday after previously voting for Mr McCarthy.

But two Jordan-backers have flipped so far.

Jordan and Jeffries cheered when voting for themselves

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:36 , Gustaf Kilander

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:34 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Mike Kelly, who voted for Mr Scalise yesterday, backed ex-Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday.

17 Republicans have now voted against Mr Jordan.

Democrats chant after nominating speech for Jeffries

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:21 , Gustaf Kilander

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:20 , Gustaf Kilander

If no one changes their vote, Rep Jim Jordan has lost the second vote on his speaker’s bid after at least five Republicans voted against him.

Second vote is underway, Jordan is losing support

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:17 , Gustaf Kilander

The second vote is underway and Mr Jordan is losing support.

Rep Verb Buchanan, who backed Mr Jordan on Tuesday, voted for Rep Byron Donalds on Wednesday.

‘The Speaker of the House must be a legislator,’ Aguilar say as he blasts Jordan

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:14 , Gustaf Kilander

As he nominated Mr Jeffries, Mr Aguilar said, “One thing was very clear yesterday. The vote total – 212 to 200. The people's house has spoken and Leader Jeffries has the support to be the Speaker that this country needs”.

“212 to 200 – No amount of election denying is going to take away from those vote totals,” he said.

“We shouldn't be surprised at the vote count. I noted yesterday the legislative acumen of the gentleman from Ohio Would it surprise anyone that in addition to not passing a single piece of legislation,” Mr Aguilar added. “He's never put a piece of legislation that has made it to a committee.”

“The Speaker of the House must be a legislator and the gentleman from Ohio falls short in that regard. He supports an extreme agenda and is hell-bent on banning abortion nationwide,” Mr Aguilar said, adding that Mr Jordan was aiming at “gutting Medicare, gutting Social Security and giving cover to January 6 attackers”.

“Those aren't the values that we share,” he added.

Aguilar mentions possibility of compromise as he nominates Jeffries

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:09 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Pete Aguilar, the chair of the Democratic Caucus, said in his speech nominating Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, “I promised to make these speeches shorter if we get closer to a compromise, but I'm not certain that that's going to happen at this moment”.

“While the Republican candidate for speaker is making late-night backroom deals to secure the gavel, Leader Jeffries has once again extended the hand of bipartisanship for a path forward,” he added.

Tom Cole goes after Medicare and Medicaid in Jordan nominating speech

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:05 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Cole continued his nominating speech of Mr Jordan saying, “if you're Republican, it ought to be a pretty easy decision, my friends, you know, this is somebody who believes what we believe and has fought for and shown that over and over again”.

“I first got to know him a lot of his focus was on spending. That's exactly where the focus of this House ought to be. Now, he's laid out a plan, not just a short-term plan as to how we deal with the appropriations process. I'm an appropriator. I think I know that. That's not the root of the problem,” he said. “But unlike any other speaker we've had, he's had the courage to talk about a long-term plan and the ... the real drivers of debt. And we all know what they are. We all know what Social Security. We all know it's Medicare. We all know it's Medicaid.”

“No president of either side has been willing to deal with this. No speaker of either side has been willing to deal with this,” he added.

‘We all know he’s a pretty direct man,’ Cole says of Jordan in nominating speech

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:01 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Cole said in his speech nominating Mr Jordan that “you don't win national championships in college, you don't come to this floor with a sincere set of beliefs and desire to make a change and be shy about it. And my friend is not a shy person. But I've learned some things about him over the years”.

“He's a person of absolute personal integrity. I've never once had to question something that he told me. He's an honourable man,” Mr Cole added.

“Also, I think we all know he's a pretty direct man too. I don't think anybody in here on any issue of any substance would have to guess where Jim Jordan is gonna stand. He doesn't deceive ... He simply tells you straight up this is what I believe this is why I think it's the right thing to do for the country,” he said. “And that's what I'm going to try and accomplish. I'm going to work with you in any way that I can to do it. Now, the other thing I think we've found in the last couple of weeks, is what it takes to be a speaker and one thing I know never having been one and never having aspired to be one that it takes a bite of steel to do this job.”

“My friend has that kind of determination, he has that kind of character, he has that kind of spine. And I think the next speaker is going to need that quality,” Mr Cole said.

‘Maga American’ tells Jamie Raskin God gave him cancer as punishment

Wednesday 18 October 2023 17:00 , Martha McHardy

Democratic Rep Jamie Raskin had an unpleasant encounter with a MAGA supporter following the failed House speaker vote on Tuesday.

During a round of press interviews outside Congress, the Maryland congressman was approached by a man who allegedly described himself as a “Maga American”.

The man told Mr Raskin, who is battling lymphoma, that God had punished him by giving him cancer.

The man also allegedly told Mr Raskin he was on the “wrong side of history“ and should “repent,” before walking off.

Mr Raskin had a lighthearted response to the man’s remarks, telling a group of journalists: “Welcome to my world.”


Maga supporter tells Jamie Raskin God gave him cancer as punishment

Rep Tom Cole of Oklahoma begins nomination speech for Jordan

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:57 , Gustaf Kilander

Tom Cole began his speech nominating Jim Jordan for speaker (Screenshot / Washington Post)
Tom Cole began his speech nominating Jim Jordan for speaker (Screenshot / Washington Post)

Holdouts huddle and speak to Jordan supporters as vote looms

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:44 , Gustaf Kilander

GOP holdout Don Bacon was seen speaking in a very animated manner on the floor of the House to Republican Reps Guthrie, Pence, Guest, and Miller-Meeks, ahead of the vote on Wednesday morning, according to Axios.

Fellow holdouts Reps D’Esposito, LaLota, Lawler, Rutherford and Gimenez were speaking to each other near Mr Bacon.

Freedom Caucus chair tries to tamp down expectations

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:41 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Scott Perry, the chair of the House Freedom Caucus and a supporter of Mr Jordan, attempted to temper expectations on Wednesday morning.

“Just so there’s no surprises: Jordan will likely have FEWER votes today than yesterday — as I expected. This is the fight - which Jim Jordan represents - to end the status quo, and it ain’t easy…Stay strong and keep praying,” he wrote on X.

GOP congresswoman announces retirement amid House speaker chaos

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:30 , Holly Hales, Eric Garcia

GOP Rep Debbie Lesko has announced that she is retiring from Congress amid because “Washington DC is broken” – as the Republican party continues to court chaos with the House speaker vote.

The 64-year-old, who represents Arizona’s Eighth Congressional District, also said that her wish to spend more time with family was behind the decision.

“Spending, on average, three weeks out of every month away from my family, and traveling back and forth to Washington, DC almost every weekend is difficult,” Lesko said in a statement.

“Right now, Washington, DC is broken; it is hard to get anything done.”

Ms Lesko said she will remain committed to her constituents until her term officially ends in January 2025.


GOP Rep Debbie Lesko announces retirement amid House speaker chaos

Wife of GOP holdout receives texts and emails pushing Jordan for speaker

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:27 , Gustaf Kilander

House gathers for second day of voting on Jordan speakership

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:17 , Eric Garcia

House gavels in for quorum vote ahead of second Jordan ballot

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:16 , Gustaf Kilander

The House has gavelled in ahead of the second vote on Jim Jordan for speaker (Screenshot / The Washington Post)
The House has gavelled in ahead of the second vote on Jim Jordan for speaker (Screenshot / The Washington Post)

Jim Jordan hasn’t had a single bill signed into law in 16 years

Wednesday 18 October 2023 16:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Jordan’s critics have noted that he has an essentially non-existent legislative record and is short of bipartisan experience, preferring to push his own party to the right, away from the Democrats.

Mr Jordan hasn’t been able to get a bill signed into law since he entered the chamber in 2007.

“House Republicans have just elected a speaker nominee who in 16 years in this Congress hasn’t passed a single bill because his focus has not been on the American people,” Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said on Friday (13 October).

While Congress passes few bills and many legislators fail to get a bill signed into law, other metrics suggest that Mr Jordan would be an unconventional speaker.

According to the Center for Effective Lawmaking, only four members were less effective than Mr Jordan last Congress. He has remained in the bottom five in the GOP caucus in the last four Congresses. In every full Congress he has been a part of, he has been in the bottom quarter of lawmakers.

Comparatively, ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy sponsored 17 passing bills, eight of which were signed into law.

The office of Mr Jordan pointed to 64 bills that he co-signed – meaning that he backed another lawmaker’s bill – that were signed into law, telling The Washington Post on Monday that Mr Jordan had “negotiated legislation directly with the White House and returned millions to the US Treasury from his office budget”.

“Congressman Jordan has always done what he told the voters he would do — whether it’s assisting seniors getting Medicare and Social Security benefits, expediting passports, helping veterans, meeting with thousands of constituents, or touring hundreds of businesses in Ohio’s 4th district — and the constituents know it,” spokesperson Russell Dye told the paper.

‘Bipartisanship will be required for just about everything'

Wednesday 18 October 2023 15:48 , Gustaf Kilander

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Wednesday ahead of the second ballot of Rep Jim Jordan becoming speaker that “No matter who becomes speaker, one lesson remains true ... bipartisanship will be the only way things get done in a divided government,” according to Politico.

“Bipartisanship will be required for just about everything,” he added.

The radicals are finally getting their comeuppance

Wednesday 18 October 2023 15:46 , Eric Garcia

Florida Republican says Jordan likely to lose support on second ballot

Wednesday 18 October 2023 15:31 , Gustaf Kilander

Who are the 20 House Republicans who voted against Jim Jordan in speaker vote?

Wednesday 18 October 2023 15:30 , Gustaf Kilander

In a worse-than-expected result, a total of 20 House Republicans voted against Rep Jim Jordan’s bid for the speakership on the first ballot.

Going into the first vote on Tuesday (17 October), Mr Jordan had appeared to be turning the tide in terms of garnering support from within his own party.

Here are the 20 House Republicans who voted against Mr Jordan:

  1. Rep Don Bacon of Nebraska voted for Mr McCarthy.

  2. Rep Lori Chavez-DeRemer of Oregon voted for Mr McCarthy.

  3. Rep Anthony D’Esposito of New York voted for former Rep Lee Zeldin, the 2022 GOP gubernatorial nominee.

  4. Rep Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida voted for Mr Scalise.

  5. Rep Jake Ellzey of Texas voted for Rep Mike Garcia of California.

  6. Rep Andrew Garbarino of New York voted for Mr Zeldin.

  7. Rep Carlos Gimenez of voted for Mr McCarthy.

  8. Rep Tony Gonzales of Texas voted for Mr Scalise.

  9. Rep Kay Granger of Texas voted for Mr Scalise.

  10. Rep Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania voted for Mr Scalise.

  11. Rep Jen Kiggans of Virginia voted for Mr McCarthy.

  12. Rep Nick LaLota of New York voted for Mr Zeldin.

  13. Rep Mike Lawler of New York voted for Mr McCarthy.

  14. Rep John Rutherford of Florida voted for Mr Scalise.

  15. Rep Mike Simpson of Idaho voted for Mr Scalise.

  16. Rep Steve Womack of Arkansas voted for Mr Scalise.

  17. Rep Ken Buck of Colorado voted for Majority Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota.

  18. Rep John James of Michigan voted for Rep Tom Cole of Oklahoma.

  19. Rep Doug LaMalfa of California voted for Mr McCarthy.

  20. Rep Victoria Spartz of Indiana voted for Rep Thomas Massie of Kentucky.


The 20 House Republicans behind Jim Jordan’s failed first speaker vote

Jordan likely to lose support on second ballot

Wednesday 18 October 2023 15:07 , Gustaf Kilander

What could happen if the second vote fails

Wednesday 18 October 2023 15:06 , Gustaf Kilander

Nebraska GOP Don Bacon: Jordan should ‘realize he cannot win'

Wednesday 18 October 2023 15:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Nebraska GOP Rep Don Bacon told KETV that “It is our hope that Jim, Mr Jordan, will realize he cannot win. And we need to move on and select a speaker. We need a speaker ASAP”.

Mr Bacon voted for former Speaker Kevin McCarthy during the first ballot on Tuesday.

‘Coercion and intimidation is not a good idea,’ GOP Rep who voted against Jordan says

Wednesday 18 October 2023 14:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Victoria Spartz of Indiana chose to not back Mr Jordan in the first vote on Tuesday.

Wednesday morning ahead of the second ballot, she wrote on X: “Appreciate many friendly calls, but understand your frustrations. Republicans must govern - not be talking heads on TV!”

She went on to lay out “two points – Jim is elected by members and accountable to members from very diverse districts, so coercion and intimidation is not a good idea”.

“Before you coronate Jim please assess if he was effective for you or for McCarthy as Judiciary Chair,” she added.

Jordan’s push for abortion ban is ‘toxic’

Wednesday 18 October 2023 14:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Jordan put forward the Life at Conception Act which would outlaw all abortions across the US.

“Republicans have gotten wise to how toxic this idea is but this is what they are putting forward,” columnist and political observer Matthew Yglesias wrote on X on Monday.

“Now obviously Rep Jordan is no more going to get this signed into law than he’s going to protect student-athletes from sexual abuse, but this mentality will inform every judicial and regulatory policy decision handed down by a Republican administration,” he added.

Jim Jordan called out for failure to pass any legislation in 16 years before House speaker vote

Wednesday 18 October 2023 13:32 , Martha McHardy

Jim Jordan was called out for his failure to pass any legislation during his 16 years in Congress just before he lost the first vote in his bid to become House speaker.

Democratic Rep Pete Aguilar of California offered a scathing rebuke of Mr Jordan’s record in a speech nominating Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries against the Ohio Republican on Tuesday.

Mr Aguilar slammed Mr Jordan as a “legislative terrorist”, claiming his actions are “not the actions of someone interested in governing or bettering the lives of everyday Americans.”

He began by citing Mr Jordan directly: “He once said, quote, ‘I didn’t come to Congress to make more laws.’”

“His words speak for themselves,” Mr Aguilar continued. “When New Yorkers recovering from Hurricane Sandy needed Congress to act, he said no. When wildfires ravage the West, destroying homes and businesses, and those residents needed disaster assistance, he said no.


Jim Jordan called out for failing to pass any legislation for 16 years

Jim Jordan’s controversies: The Ohio State allegations

Wednesday 18 October 2023 13:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Jordan, a back-to-back NCAA national wrestling champion in 1985 and 1986, served as the assistant coach on the Ohio State wrestling team between 1987 and 1995.

Four wrestlers have come forward claiming that Mr Jordan failed to shield them from the alleged sexual abuse by team physician Richard Strauss, who died by suicide in 2005. There have been no allegations made that Mr Jordan committed any sexual misconduct but members of the team claim that he was aware of Dr Strauss’s violations and that he chose to turn a blind eye to it.

Mr Jordan hasn’t faced arrest or charges for failure to report, but the four wrestlers named him in a lawsuit against the school.

Mr Jordan has rejected all allegations of wrongdoing and he has declined to take part in the investigations against Dr Strauss. He told Fox News that the “lies” had been “sequenced and choreographed” by “the left”.

Former OSU wrestler Mike Schyck is one of hundreds of students who say they faced sexual abuse from Dr Strauss.

“Do you really want a guy in that job who chose not to stand up for his guys?” he asked, according to NBC News. “Is that the kind of character trait you want for a House speaker?”

If Mr Jordan becomes speaker, he may still be deposed in one of the legal filings.

Dunyasha Yetts, also a former wrestler at the university, has accused Mr Jordan of lying when saying he was unaware of the alleged abuse, calling his “hypocrisy … unbelievable”.

“He doesn’t deserve to be House speaker,” Mr Yetts told the network. “He still has to answer for what happened to us.”

Fellow former OSU wrestler and attorney representing a number of the plaintiffs, Rocky Ratliff, told NBC that Mr Jordan “abandoned his former wrestlers in the Ohio State sexual abuse scandal and cover-up”.

An unidentified individual referred to as John Doe in the most recent legal filing said that he thinks that while Mr Jordan is qualified to be speaker, he struggled to endorse his bid.

“My problem with Jimmy is that he has been playing with words instead of supporting us,” the individual said, according to NBC. “None of us used the words ‘sexual abuse’ when we talked about what Doc Strauss was doing to us, we just knew it was weird and Jimmy knew about it because we talked about it all the time in the locker room, at practices, everywhere.”

“His locker was just a few spots away from mine and mine was near Dr Strauss,” Mr Schyck noted. “And we were always talking about Dr Strauss. There’s no way he didn’t know what was going on.”

Mr Ratliff called it an “open secret”.

“Everybody talked about Strauss,” he said, according to NBC. “Everybody knew if you went to him, the first thing he would do is take down your pants. Everybody knew he was taking unnecessary showers with the team. His locker was near Jimmy’s locker.”

Jim Jordan’s controversies: The Insurrection

Wednesday 18 October 2023 12:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Democrats have been slamming Mr Jordan as an “insurrectionist” who played a key part in former President Donald Trump’s attempt to stay in office despite his 2020 election loss. Mr Jordan is also reported to have spoken to the then-president on the day of the Capitol riot – January 6, 2021.

The Congressional Integrity Project watchdog shared an ad on Monday (16 October) slamming Mr Jordan for his role in the riot, writing on X: “Every Republican who votes for Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House should be held accountable for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, support for the attack on our country on January 6th, and attacks on our democracy.”

The video begins with the words: “Right now, the leading contender to become Speaker and second in line to the presidency is a co-founder of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, election-denier MAGA-extremist. He’s arguably the member of Congress most involved in Donald Trump’s attempted coup.”

The ad from the left-leaning group includes footage from news reports and comments by Republicans criticising Mr Jordan.

“Jim Jordan knew more about what Donald Trump had planned for January 6 than any other member of the House of Representatives,” former Rep Liz Cheney of Wyoming says in a clip in the video.

Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and later whistleblower, says in another part of the ad: “Jim Jordan was privy to nearly everything, if not everything, about and pertaining to January 6. Jim Jordan can’t be trusted with the Constitution.”

In a virtual committee meeting later in January 2021, Mr Jordan said, “What happened at the Capitol on January 6 was as wrong as wrong can be,” according to The Washington Post.

Stefanik yeered when mentioning Jordan’s time ‘on the wrestling mat'

Wednesday 18 October 2023 11:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Elise Stefanik claimed that Mr Jordan would be “America’s Speaker” as she nominated him for speaker on the floor of the House.

She also faced jeering when she mentioned Mr Jordan’s past as a wrestler.

Alaska Rep gets standing ovation after husband’s death

Wednesday 18 October 2023 10:00 , Eric Garcia

A truly emotional moment took place when Rep  Mary Peltola of Alaska cast her first vote for Rep Hakeem Jeffries. It was her first vote since her husband Buzzy died in a plane crash. The entire chamber was on its feet.

Jordan declines to say 2020 election wasn’t stolen amid speaker fight

Wednesday 18 October 2023 09:00 , Gustaf Kilander

The 20 Republicans who voted against Jim Jordan on the first ballot

Wednesday 18 October 2023 08:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Here are the 20 Republicans who voted against Jim Jordan on the first ballot:

  1. Don Bacon of Nebraska

  2. Lori Chavez-DeRemer of Oregon

  3. Jake Ellzey of Texas

  4. Mario Diaz Balart of Florida

  5. Anthony D’Esposito of New York

  6. Andrew Garbarino of New York

  7. Carlos Giménez of Florida

  8. Kay Granger of Texas

  9. Tony Gonzales of Texas

  10. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania

  11. Jen Kiggans of Virginia

  12. Nick LaLota of New York

  13. Mike Lawler of New York

  14. John Rutherford of Florida

  15. Mike Simpson of Idaho

  16. Steve Womack of Arkansas

  17. Ken Buck of Colorado

  18. John James of Michigan

  19. Doug LaMalfa of California

  20. Victoria Spartz of Indiana

Wrestling abuse claims, Jan 6 and abortion: Jim Jordan’s controversies

Wednesday 18 October 2023 07:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Jim Jordan, the rightwing bomb-thrower whom former Speaker John Boehner, a fellow Ohioan, called a “legislative terrorist”, has gone through a number of scandals and controversies which affected his bid to lead the chamber the work of which he’s been steadfastly trying to grind to a halt since 2007.


Jim Jordan’s controversies plaguing his House speaker bid

Why was the speaker of the House removed?

Wednesday 18 October 2023 06:00 , Rachel Sharp

In what marked a historic day for Congress, Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his role as speaker of the House of Representatives on 3 October – after less than nine months in the role.

The California congressman’s fate was sealed by his own warring party, as eight Republicans joined Democrats to vote to remove him from the speakership.

Mr McCarthy had grown increasingly at odds with the far-right wing of the party – notably lead rebel and MAGA Republican Matt Gaetz, who filed a motion to vacate the speaker in outrage that Mr McCarthy struck a deal with Democrats to avert a government shutdown (one that could have temporarily shuttered key services for American people and furloughed federal workers).

After Democrats declined to bail out the speaker and members of his own party turned on him, Mr McCarthy was removed in a 216-210 vote to vacate – marking the first time in American history that a speaker has been ousted by other lawmakers.

The House was plunged into turmoil – with no leader at a time when the US is once again careening towards a government shutdown.

Stefanik yeered when mentioning Jordan’s time ‘on the wrestling mat'

Wednesday 18 October 2023 05:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Elise Stefanik claimed that Mr Jordan would be “America’s Speaker” as she nominated him for speaker on the floor of the House.

She also faced jeering when she mentioned Mr Jordan’s past as a wrestler.

Threats of a primary challenge became conservatives’s most effective tool

Wednesday 18 October 2023 04:00 , Eric Garcia

For years, ever since the 2010 wave, threats of a primary challenge became conservatives’s most effective tool to threaten establishment conservatives. It turns out those tactics don’t work to build a coalition. Fear without mutual respect cannot is not sufficient to earn a gavel and the 20 Republicans finally expressed their dissatisfaction with how the radicals had conducted themselves and decided they would no longer negotiate with the legislative terrorists.

This is not to say that the radicals can’t stage a comeback. Indeed, they will likely remember this as a moment they got so close to a taste of power and rue against those who denied it to them. But they have shown that they do not have the capacity to actually implement plans to get the power to punish their enemies.

Some Republicans roundly rejected Jordan’s tactics

Wednesday 18 October 2023 03:15 , Eric Garcia

Some of the Republicans seemed to resist the aggressive campaigning of Mr Jordan’s allies. Reps Carlos Giménez, Mario Díaz-Balart and John Rutherford of Florida all roundly rejected Mr Jordan’s tactics. After the vote, Mr Diaz-Balart told reporters “that millisecond when anybody tries to intimidate me” was the moment “I no longer have the flexibility.”

Similarly, Rep Victoria Spartz (R-IN), who voted for Mr Massie, roundly criticised the process and what she considered intimidation tactics when I spoke with her Monday evening, specifically decrying calls to stage primary challenges those who opposed Mr Jordan.

VIDEO: Fox News host appears to call GOP lawmaker 'dumba**' in hot mic moment

Wednesday 18 October 2023 02:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Jordan partisans continued aggressive campaign after Scalise's failure

Wednesday 18 October 2023 01:45 , Eric Garcia

Once Mr Scalise was defeated, the Jordan partisans continued their aggressive campaign. Juliegrace Brufke at Axios reported how Mr Jordan’s supporters ticked off some Republicans when Fox News host Sean Hannity’s show had gotten involved.

Indeed, Rep Thomas Massie (R-KY), one of Mr Jordan’s strongest allies, appeared to place pressure on the holdouts when I spoke with him on Monday evening in the basement. He noted how over the weekend, “people went to football games and whatnot and events over the weekend and what they heard is not necessarily you have to pick Jordan but you have to come up with an answer soon. And the way to do that is vote for Jordan.”

VIDEO: Moment Jim Jordan loses first round of House speaker vote

Wednesday 18 October 2023 01:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Jordan’s supporters put roadblocks in Scalise’s path

Wednesday 18 October 2023 00:15 , Eric Garcia

Mr Jordan’s supporters consistently put roadblocks in his path to prevent Mr Scalise from becoming speaker and many of them were indeed the same folks whom in January tried to block Mr McCarthy until he yielded to their every demand. Rep Chip Roy (R-TX) attempted to push an amendment that would require any nominee to have 217 votes. When the amendment failed, they continued to dig their heels in, with Mr Roy saying he would not vote for Mr Scalise on the floor.

‘We had a small group of folks who broke our rules and got rid of Kevin'

Tuesday 17 October 2023 23:30 , Eric Garcia

“So my main concern is, as an American, we believe in the rule of law and fairness,” Rep Don Bacon of Nebraska told reporters before a meeting among Republicans in the House basement on Monday. “And we had a small group of folks who broke our rules and got rid of Kevin and then a small group broke our rules and blocked Steve.”

Mr Bacon hails from a district that voted for Mr Biden in 2020 and has long succeeded largely by virtue of positioning himself as a reasonable moderate. His words echoed those of Mr Scalise when he dropped out last week when he said “some people that have their own agendas” scotched his bid for speaker.

Jordan victory would have symbolised the triumph of radical conservatives

Tuesday 17 October 2023 23:00 , Eric Garcia

A Jordan victory would have symbolised the triumph of radical conservatives in the decade-long civil war they have waged against establishment Republicans – who, despite not necessarily being moderate, did understand the levers of governing – that began in 2010 during the Tea Party revolution. It would have been a sign that the institutionalists once again folded because they mistakenly believed if they incorporated the radicals into the fold, they would mature rather than see it as permission.

That, obviously, did not happen. Instead, a whopping 20 Republicans – some of them conservatives, others from swing districts and others institutionalists – revolted against Mr Jordan. After facing a week of badgering, aggressive lobbying and what some would call outright bullying, the coterie said “enough.” It revealed that while Mr Jordan has been quite deft at obstructing the levers of governing, he does not understand how to actually lead or win people to his side.

VOICES: Jim Jordan’s failure shows the limits of ‘legislative terrorism’

Tuesday 17 October 2023 22:30 , Eric Garcia

Over the past day or so, it looked like Jim Jordan might actually clinch the speakership. He had won over some of his biggest skeptics in the House Republican conference. Even some Republicans from districts that voted for President Joe Biden like Rep Marc Molinaro (R-NY) and Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ) announced their support for the right-wing firebrand.

Democrats, for their part, wanted to highlight Mr Jordan’s closeness with former president Donald Trump and his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, calling him an “insurrectionist,” citing his frequent opposition to disaster aid and attempts to shut down the government in 2013. They pointed to former House speaker John Boehner, whom Mr Jordan helped push out in 2015, who has called Mr Jordan a “legislative terrorist.” That led to Republicans booing and heckling during House Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar’s nominating speech for Minority Hakeem Jeffries.


Jim Jordan’s failure shows the limits of ‘legislative terrorism’

Jim Jordan pushes second vote to next day after GOP rebellion

Tuesday 17 October 2023 22:28 , Gustaf Kilander

The next vote on the speakership bid of Jim Jordan will be held tomorrow (18 October) at 11am ET, the GOP nominee announced on Tuesday.

This comes after 20 Republicans voted against Mr Jordan in a first ballot that went worse than expected for the Ohioan.

Ex-Speaker McCarthy still under impression Democrats ‘created this mess'

Tuesday 17 October 2023 22:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy argued yet again that Democrats “created this mess” leading to pushback from a reporter from Fox News.

California Democrat Ted Lieu responded to his comments, writing:

“Dear former @SpeakerMcCarthy:

“1. All Dems voted no on YOUR Rules change to allow 1 Member to bring a motion to fire you.

“2. Dems voted consistent with our belief that Rep Jeffries is best Speaker.

“3. Your inability to understand what happened is why you are no longer Speaker.”

New York Republican explains his vote against Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 21:45 , Gustaf Kilander

My constituents sent me to Congress to fight for them and put their interests first. We need a Speaker who understands New York priorities such as funding 9/11 health care, prioritizing disaster and emergency relief, and providing SALT relief to middle-class Long Islanders who are burdened by double taxation. Lee Zeldin understands the needs of Long Islanders better than anyone. He would have been a great governor, and he would make a great Speaker.

Congressman Andrew R Garbarino

Jordan-backer on first ballot unclear how second vote will go

Tuesday 17 October 2023 21:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Maria Salazar was unclear how she would vote on a second ballot when speaking to Axios.

“Let’s see what happens. Let’s see what happens. No one really knows,” she said.

Second vote estimated to come at around 6pm as detractors push to end Jordan’s speaker bid

Tuesday 17 October 2023 21:13 , Gustaf Kilander

Several Republicans who voted against Rep Jim Jordan on the first ballot are already pushing for a second vote, possibly in an effort to end his speaker bid.

Rep Chip Roy, a supporter of Mr Jordan, suggested on Fox News that a vote may come at around 6pm ET.

Fox News host caught on hot mic saying ‘dumba**’ during House speaker vote

Tuesday 17 October 2023 21:00 , Oliver O'Connell

A Fox News host was caught on a hot mic saying “dumb***” during the network’s live coverage of the vote for speaker of the House.

Brian Kilmeade could be heard uttering the insult just seconds after Republican Rep Don Bacon voted for Kevin McCarthy.

As the roll call was read out and representatives gave their votes, the Nebraska lawmaker was the first in his party alphabetically to vote against Ohio Rep Jim Jordan to assume the speakership.

Given the Republican Party’s slim majority in the House of Representatives, Mr Jordan can only afford to lose three votes and still secure the speaker’s gavel.

Rep Bacon was just the first of 20 members to vote against the majority of their GOP colleagues, showing that Mr Jordan still has some work to do to negotiate the support he needs.


Fox News host caught on hot mic saying ‘dumba**’ during speaker vote

Ten of 20 anti-Jordan votes came from members in safe GOP districts

Tuesday 17 October 2023 20:45 , Gustaf Kilander

Womack calls Scalise takedown ‘most egregious act against a member of our conference’

Tuesday 17 October 2023 20:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Steve Womack of Arkansas voted against Mr Jordan on the first ballot in the House.

“My vote for Steve Scalise was a matter of principle. He defeated Mr Jordan [and] was promptly kneecapped before he could win over his opponents. It was the most egregious act against a sitting member of our conference I have witnessed in my thirteen years of service,” he said, according to NBC News.

Jordan to force another vote today

Tuesday 17 October 2023 20:12 , Gustaf Kilander

The House needs a speaker as soon as possible. Expect another round of votes today. It’s time for Republicans to come together.

Russell Dye, Spokesperson for Chairman Jordan

Byron Donalds believes Jordan is still in the running

Tuesday 17 October 2023 20:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Byron Donalds of Florida told Punchbowl News that he spoke to the holdouts from his state ahead of the vote and that he’ll likely speak to them again before a second vote, the timing of which remains unclear.

He said there was a “sombre” mood in the chamber, adding that “tensions are high”.

But he added that Mr Jordan could still be successful.

VIDEO: Moment Jim Jordan loses first round of House speaker vote

Tuesday 17 October 2023 19:45 , Benji Salmon

‘I will not vote for Jim Jordan’: Ken Buck says he voted for Tom Emmer simply to block Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 19:29 , Gustaf Kilander

Ken Buck of Colorado appeared on CNN, indicating that there’s nothing Mr Jordan can do to win him over.

Democrats cheer Jeffries as GOP remains silent on Jordan as results announced

Tuesday 17 October 2023 19:03 , Gustaf Kilander

Wrestling abuse claims, Jan 6 and abortion: Jim Jordan’s controversies plaguing his House speaker bid

Tuesday 17 October 2023 19:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Jim Jordan, the rightwing bomb-thrower whom former Speaker John Boehner, a fellow Ohioan, called a “legislative terrorist”, is gunning for the House speaker role.

But a number of scandals and controversies still haunt his bid to lead the chamber the work of which he’s been steadfastly trying to grind to a halt since 2007.

The Insurrection

Democrats have been slamming Mr Jordan as an “insurrectionist” who played a key part in former President Donald Trump’s attempt to stay in office despite his 2020 election loss. Mr Jordan is also reported to have spoken to the then-president on the day of the Capitol riot – January 6, 2021.

The Congressional Integrity Project watchdog shared an ad on Monday (16 October) slamming Mr Jordan for his role in the riot, writing on X: “Every Republican who votes for Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House should be held accountable for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, support for the attack on our country on January 6th, and attacks on our democracy.”


Jim Jordan’s controversies plaguing his House speaker bid

Jim Jordan loses first vote to become House speaker as GOP chaos deepens

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:52 , Eric Garcia

The US House of Representatives failed to vote on a speaker after multiple Republicans voted against Rep Jim Jordan, despite the overwhelming majority of the House GOP conference voting to make him speaker.

The vote against Mr Jordan comes as the House marks two weeks since Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) filed a motion to vacate, which led to seven other Republicans and every Democratic representative present to depose former speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Mr Jordan’s nomination came after House Majority Steve Scalise removed himself from the running despite the fact he beat Mr Jordan in an internal vote within the GOP conference. Mr Jordan had worked to win over many skeptics within his party and successfully flipped many of them.

But Mr Jordan needed to win 216 of the 220 votes present in the chamber that day. Ultimately Reps Don Bacon of Nebraska, Carlos Gimenez of Florida, Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida, John Rutherford of Florida, Mike Simpson of Idaho, Tony Gonzales of Texas, Nick LaLota of New York, Mike Lawler of New York, John James of Michigan, Victoria Spartz of Indiana, Lori Chavez-DeRemer of Oregon, Jake Ellzey of Texas, Anthony D’Esposito of New York, Andrew Garbarino of New York, Ken Buck of Colorado, Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania and Jen Kiggans of Virginia opposed him opposed his nomination. Reps David Joyce of Ohio did not vote.


Jim Jordan loses first vote to become House speaker as GOP chaos deepens

Twenty Republicans vote against Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:46 , Gustaf Kilander

Twenty Republicans have now voted against Mr Jordan.

They include:

  1. Don Bacon of Nebraska

  2. Lori Chavez-DeRemer of Oregon

  3. Jake Ellzey of Texas

  4. Mario Diaz Balart of Florida

  5. Anthony D’Esposito of New York

  6. Andrew Garbarino of New York

  7. Carlos Giménez of Florida

  8. Kay Granger of Texas

  9. Tony Gonzales of Texas

  10. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania

  11. Jen Kiggans of Virginia

  12. Nick LaLota of New York

  13. Mike Lawler of New York

  14. John Rutherford of Florida

  15. Mike Simpson of Idaho

  16. Steve Womack of Arkansas

  17. Ken Buck of Colorado

  18. John James of Michigan

  19. Doug LaMalfa of California

  20. Victoria Spartz of Indiana

Jordan declines to say 2020 election wasn’t stolen even as stance affects his speaker bid

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:34 , Gustaf Kilander

Alaska Rep gets standing ovation after husband’s death

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:32 , Eric Garcia

A truly emotional moment as Mary Peltola casts her vote for Jeffries. It’s her first vote since her husband Buzzy died in a plane crash. The entire chamber on its feet.

‘This will get worse’: 13 Republicans not voting against Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:24 , Gustaf Kilander

Thirteen Republicans have now voted against Mr Jordan.

One GOP member told Politico: “I personally know five will change their votes from yes to no on the second round. That’s what they told me. This will get worse.”

If Jim Jordan fails, who’s the next House speaker?

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:17 , Gustaf Kilander

If Mr Jordan is unable to grasp the House speaker gavel, a number of Republicans have mentioned Louisiana Rep Mike Johnson as a possible next option.

The vice chair of the Republican conference, 51, has been floated alongside Majority Whip Tom Emmer, 62, who has spent the last half-decade in the leadership, with most of his time going to chairing the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).

While Mr Emmer has some backers on the right of the party, large parts of the Trump wing aren’t as supportive, Punchbowl News noted.

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy may start believing in an unlikely comeback if the speaker race doesn’t come to a resolution this week. This would require at least four of the eight members who voted against him to flip.

Many GOP members have told the press that their party is so divided that no candidate can get 217 votes from the party, meaning that votes from Democrats may be required to get over the line.

But there have been no major discussions between the parties and the Democrats would use their leverage to push for major concessions, and it’s unclear what a deal would look like.

Any member of the chamber could simply step onto the floor when the House opens and put forward a privileged resolution to strengthen and widen the powers of the temporary speaker, Rep Patrick McHenry of North Carolina.

The McCarthy ally and famed gavel-slammer could also be elected as the permanent speaker.

Nine GOP no votes so far

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:16 , Gustaf Kilander

Mr Jordan will not win the speakership on the first ballot unless anyone changes their vote before the vote closes.

Republicans Reps Don Bacon, Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Jake Ellzey, Mario Diaz Balart, Anthony D’Esposito, Andrew Garbarino, Carlos Giménez, Kay Granger, and Tony Gonzales all backed other candidates.

Mr Jordan can only lose four votes to succeed.

Second Republican votes against Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:09 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Lori Chavez-DeRemer became the second Republican to vote against Mr Jordan.

The Oregonian represents a district won by President Joe Biden.

Don Bacon becomes first Republican to vote against Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 18:04 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Don Bacon became the first Republican to vote against Mr Jordan, backing former Speaker Kevin McCarthy as a protest vote.

Mr Jordan may face issues if he doesn’t win the speakership in the first rounds.

“If there’s a breaking point and he’s not making progress,” some may begin to waiver, Rep Mike Garcia told CNN.

“If it doesn’t work, then we’re kind of back to, alright, maybe we ought to look at Kevin McCarthy again,” Rep Michael McCaul told the network.

Stefanik yeered when mentioning Jordan’s time ‘on the wrestling mat'

Tuesday 17 October 2023 17:55 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Elise Stefanik claimed that Mr Jordan would be “America’s Speaker” as she nominated him for speaker on the floor of the House.

She also faced jeering when she mentioned Mr Jordan’s past as a wrestler.

Stefanik makes nomination speech for Jim Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 17:44 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Elise Stefanik of New York is making the nomination speech for Rep Jim Jordan following a quorum vote in the House.

Freedom Caucus chair says battle over Jordan not just between conservatives and moderates

Tuesday 17 October 2023 17:34 , Gustaf Kilander

The chair of the House Freedom Caucus, Rep Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, has indicated that it’ll take at least two rounds of voting for Mr Jordan to become speaker, adding that it’s not simply a battle between conservatives and moderates.

“It doesn’t seem that it all comes from moderate districts. It comes from Oklahoma It comes from Florida – It comes from uncanny places,” he said, according to Punchbowl News.

The one central argument for a Jordan win

Tuesday 17 October 2023 17:19 , Gustaf Kilander

Allies of Mr Jordan have one “central argument about why they’ll win today,” Sarah Ferris of Politico wrote on X.

“Current defectors are regular order guys: appropriators, defense hawks etc. They want House to function. But that *also* assumes they’ll back Jordan without a clear plan to avoid shutdown/govern generally,” she added.

Bacon and Buck say they won’t vote for Jordan

Tuesday 17 October 2023 17:03 , Gustaf Kilander

Reps Don Bacon and Ken Buck told HuffPost that they won’t back Mr Jordan.

“Ken Buck tells me won’t vote for Jim Jordan. Cites his refusal to disavow false statements about election fraud and his involvement in or knowledge of what would happen on Jan 6,” Arthur Delaney wrote on X.

Olivia Beavers of Politico noted that it “appears Rep Bacon will be the first ‘no’ called in the roll call”.

AOC makes 11th-hour call to block Jim Jordan in House speaker vote

Tuesday 17 October 2023 16:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has argued that moderate Republicans must block Rep Jim Jordan from becoming House speaker.

CNN anchor Abby Phillip asked Ms Ocasio-Cortez: “Jim Jordan looks to be the person who Republicans will put up for a vote. You joined in [with] all Democrats in voting to get rid of Kevin McCarthy. Any regrets if Jim Jordan is the man who replaces him?”

“No. It has never been truly within the integrity and history of this institution for one party to elect another party’s member speaker,” Ms Ocasio-Cortez said on Monday night.

“We will see if Jim Jordan has the votes. We will see if individuals like Mike Lawler or Marc Molinaro, who represent New Yorkers in Hudson Valley, the Catskills, Westchester County, will actually vote to install a man who voted to overturn the United States’ election and who supports a national abortion ban to be speaker of the House, second in line to the presidency,” she added.

“I have my doubts that the people of New York would really stand for that. But in terms of the integrity of the institution, I think it’s important that we support Hakeem Jeffries as speaker of the House,” she said of the minority leader and Brooklyn congressman.


What time is the House speaker vote for Jim Jordan?

Tuesday 17 October 2023 16:00 , Gustaf Kilander and Eric Garcia

Jim Jordan is preparing to face his peers for a vote to become House speaker today - two weeks after House Republicans ousted Kevin McCarthy.

The chamber is set to convene for a vote around noon - with Mr Jordan standing front in centre with the GOP nomination and Donald Trump’s backing - while Democrats stand behind Hakeem Jeffries.

The vote comes days after Majority Leader Steve Scalise failed to get the support needed from his own party when he was nominated over Mr Jordan, the chair of the Judiciary Committee last week.

The House GOP remains divided, dysfunctional and disorganised, with members telling reporters over the weekend that the pressure is mounting on holdouts to support Mr Jordan.

Mr Jordan on Monday said he would bring the vote to the floor regardless of whether or not he had the 217 votes needed to succeed.


What time is the House speaker vote for Jim Jordan?

What time is the vote?

Tuesday 17 October 2023 15:37 , Gustaf Kilander

Jim Jordan, the chair of the Judiciary Committee, is moving towards a vote on the floor of the House today (17 October) at noon.

Mr Jordan previously told CNN that he’s planning to go to the floor of the House for a speaker vote at 12pm ET on Tuesday, regardless if he has the votes he needs or not.

Mr Jordan said previously that he didn’t want to go to the floor before securing the support of 217 Republicans.

“We’ll go the floor tomorrow,” he told Manu Raju on Monday.

“That’s how our great system works. And we will go to the floor tomorrow. It’s not about pressuring anybody just about we got to have a speaker. You can’t open the House and do the work of the American people and help our dearest and closest friend Israel,” he added.

“We set it for 12pm. I feel good about it,” he said.

On Tuesday morning, John Bresnahan of Punchbowl News wrote on X: “We don’t expect the roll-call vote on Jordan to start until around 1 pm-ish. So we won’t know final outcome for at least 30 mins.”

Why was the speaker of the House removed?

Tuesday 17 October 2023 15:32 , Rachel Sharp

In what marked a historic day for Congress, Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his role as speaker of the House of Representatives on 3 October – after less than nine months in the role.

The California congressman’s fate was sealed by his own warring party, as eight Republicans joined Democrats to vote to remove him from the speakership.

Mr McCarthy had grown increasingly at odds with the far-right wing of the party – notably lead rebel and MAGA Republican Matt Gaetz, who filed a motion to vacate the speaker in outrage that Mr McCarthy struck a deal with Democrats to avert a government shutdown (one that could have temporarily shuttered key services for American people and furloughed federal workers).

After Democrats declined to bail out the speaker and members of his own party turned on him, Mr McCarthy was removed in a 216-210 vote to vacate – marking the first time in American history that a speaker has been ousted by other lawmakers.

The House was plunged into turmoil – with no leader at a time when the US is once again careening towards a government shutdown.

Does Jim Jordan have the votes?

Tuesday 17 October 2023 15:30 , Gustaf Kilander

Nebraska Republican Congressman Don Bacon announced his persistent opposition to Mr Jordan on Monday night, writing on X: “I’m not budging. I’m a five-time commander and deployed to Middle-East four times. I’ll do what is best for country.”

According to CNN, Republicans considered to be a firm no on Mr Jordan as speaker included Mr Bacon, Mr Lawler, as well as Reps Mike Kelly, Carlos Gimenez, and Mario Diaz Balart.

Reps Ken Buck, Victoria Spartz, Steve Womack, and Marianette Miller-Meeks were leaning towards a no vote, the network noted.

The figures opposed to Mr Jordan have significantly fallen since last week, when 55 Republicans voted no on his candidacy in an internal vote.

Mr Jordan can only lose four of the 221 GOP members to become speaker.

Jim Jordan closes in on the votes he needs. But his House speaker bid still has issues

Tuesday 17 October 2023 15:00 , Eric Garcia

Ohio Republican Rep Jim Jordan has won over a number of Republicans who were skeptical of his bid for speaker of the US House of Representatives, but he still faces significant opposition.

Before the House left Washington on Friday, 55 members of the Republican conference voted against Mr Jordan for speaker in a secret ballot. By Monday, many of his previous critics including Rep Ann Wagner of Missouri and House Armed Services Chairman Mike Roger, announced their support for Mr Jordan.

But Mr Jordan still faces significant opposition from some Republican colleagues. Many Republicans representing districts that voted for President Joe Biden still have reservations. Rep Don Bacon of Nebraska criticised the fact that many of Mr Jordan’s supporters voted to defenestrate Kevin McCarthy and blocked House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s speaker bid before there was even a vote.

“It’s more about respecting the process,” he told reporters before an evening meeting in the basement of the US Capitol. “So my main concern is, as an American, we believe in the rule of law and fairness. And we had a small group of folks who broke our rules and got rid of Kevin and then a small group broke our rules and blocked Steve.”


Jim Jordan closes in on 217 speaker votes--but still faces opposition

VIDEO: Another House Speaker vote expected Tuesday

Tuesday 17 October 2023 14:30 , Gustaf Kilander

VOICES: Jim Jordan is living with the consequences of trying to burn down the House

Tuesday 17 October 2023 14:00 , Eric Garcia

The crisis of the House speakership is about to roll into its second week. On Friday, as House Republicans left Washington, it looked like Jim Jordan would struggle to win over the members of his conference. During the first vote among Republicans, more than 80 members voted against him and in the second round, 55 Republicans voted against him.

The votes revealed his weaknesses as a congressional leader. He passed on having a roll call vote rather than a secret ballot. Having a roll call vote would have told him whom he needed to call during the weekend, whom he needed to win over and what promises he needed to make his opponents to get them to yes.

The tide seems to be turning in his favor. On Monday, Rep Ann Wagner of Missouri, who had vehemently opposed Mr Jordan, said she would get behind him, saying she spoke with the Ohio Republican and “he has allayed my concerns.” Similarly, Rep Mike Rogers (R-AL), the chairman of the Armed Services Committee who many might remember for nearly fighting Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) in January, threw his support behind Mr Jordan.


Jim Jordan is living with the consequences of trying to burn down the House

Republican insists he’ll still vote for Scalise

Tuesday 17 October 2023 13:30 , Rachel Sharp

Republican Rep Mike Kelly has insisted that he will still vote for Steve Scalise when the GOP takes the vote for the next speaker to the House floor.

Rep Mike Kelly told reporters on Monday: “I’m gonna vote the way I voted the first time, the first election we had.

“Integrity is the most important thing that all of us have. There’s nothing more important than that.

“When I see what’s going on in that conference, and understand that we had an election, and we elected somebody, and because people in that conference didn’t agree with the election, ‘no, no, no, we’ve got a stop it all now, and we’ve got to have another election.’ The real man in the room is Steve Scalise.”

Jim Jordan needs 217 votes to take the gavel and still has several members of his own party to come on side.