Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah, and a cartoon elephant recap Trump's mortifying interview with Chris Wallace

The reactions to President Trump's performance in his Fox News Sunday interview with Chris Wallace "were mixed: some experts called it a fiasco, while others called it a debacle," Jimmy Fallon joked on Monday's Tonight Show. "I'm not saying it was bad, but by the end of it, Kanye was calling for Trump to get some help." In fact, he said, "the interview was so rough, now everyone who enters the White House gets tested to make sure they're not Chris Wallace."

One especially cringe-worthy part was when Trump once more bragged about how well he did on a cognitive test, only to be challenged by Wallace, Fallon said. "I'm glad Trump knows how to identify an elephant. If the country ever has an elephant pandemic, we'll be in great shape. Meanwhile, Don Jr. took the test, but he just shot a hole in the picture of the elephant." He ran through some fictional Trump test answers.

The elephant responded in Tooning Out the News.

And Stephen Colbert's Late Show opened with a Trump-themed homage to Good Will Hunting.

"This was no softball interview," Trevor Noah agreed at The Daily Show. "In fact it was pretty much a master class in how not to let Trump get away with his usual bulls--t." On COVID-19 mortality rates, for example, "Chris Wallace did two things right there that Trump absolutely hates: He proved him wrong and he made him do homework," he said. "I don't care how many times I watch it — it is priceless seeing Trump flail around, trying to find the fact that he made up. And it actually shows you how his brain just kind of mixes up everything he reads into one big information smoothie."

"Honestly, it got to the point where Chris Wallace wasn't just fact-checking Trump, he was fact-shaming him," Noah said, pointing to the cognitive test back-and-forth. "This is sort of making me sad right now. Because Trump is trying so hard to claim he's a genius because he passed a test where you have to identify an elephant — which, let's be honest, even for Trump is too easy. I mean, if they wanted to test Trump, they shouldn't have asked him to identify an elephant, they should have asked him to identify his second daughter." Watch below for other examples of how Trump made every subject "weird."

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